As frozen flakes fell in clusters
sun high in the sky, snow deep
he began to bend his thoughts
considering what is true
and what is not
considering Skadi and
and the way they walked on the snow.

Because it was simplest, he made snowshoes
thanked the white ash
cut the laces and bent the wood,
all the back stories tangling
what we understand happened
all the teaching tales tangling
the way the Creator is revealed.

When his work was done and they
  were dry
he took off his moccasins, put on
  the snowshoes
going out to leave tracks light
  as a bird
writing canoe shapes in the bright snow
as he walked over rivers
writing kiss shapes on the earth
and in the center of the blessed.

by Margaret Noodin

Ojibwe Version

Winiiam Aagimeke

giizis ishpaagoozid, ishpaagonagaag
mii dash inaaginang ezhi-inendang
naagadawendang debwemigag
gaye gaawiin debwesiinog
Skadi'an gaye Bakewizian

Chiwenipanad onji-gii aagimiked
miigwechwi'aad aagimakoon
waazhaabiid miidash waaginaang,
aazheyaajimowinan gashka'oodeg
gaa nisidotamang inkamigag
gete-aadizookaanag gashka'oozowaad
ezhi-gizhemanidoo naago'idizod.

Apii gii giizhiitaad anokiid gaye
giizikaang makazinan mii
  biizikawaad agimag
mii bineshiinhgaazod
jiimaanbii'ang bagakaagonagaa
epiichi baazhida'ang ziibiwan
jiimaanbii'aad maazikaamikwe
gaye ode'eng zhawenimaad.

by Giiwedinoodin