Recent West Metro lake survey summaries

Updated: Dec. 31, 2019

2019 preliminary lake survey sampling

Preliminary summaries of recent sampling not yet posted on LakeFinder.  

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Lake (County) Date Species Number/net Avg. length (in) Max. length (in)
Spurzem [Spurzen] (Hennepin)
Northern Pike 6.8 18.9 33.5
Bluegill 9 6.2 8.0
Black Bullhead 16 11.0 13.2
Fish (Scott)
Walleye 4.3 15.4 18.9
Black Crappie 10 7.7 9.9
Bluegill 48 6.7 8.3
Bde Maka Ska [Calhoun] (Hennepin)
Walleye 1.0 16.1 21.0
Northern Pike 20 22.1 34.2
Black Crappie 5.3 7.8 9.4
Bluegill 65 5.9 8.2
Cedar (Hennepin)
Walleye 1.8 20.1 24.3
Northern Pike 8.2 23.9 31.7
Black Crappie 40 6.8 11.5
Bluegill 58 5.4 8.3
Harriet (Hennepin)
Walleye 0.9 16.9 23.5
Northern Pike 8.5 25.2 36.4
Black Crappie 3.6 8.9 12.2
Bluegill 72 6.3 8.5
Fish (Hennepin)
Walleye 2.0 14.5 23.2
Northern Pike 9.5 25.4 34.4
Bluegill 69 6.4 8.2
Lake of the Isles (Hennepin)
Walleye 1.2 20.9 24.0
Northern Pike 16 21.5 27.2
Bluegill 53 5.5 8.2
Largemouth Bass 4.8 12.7 22.3
Dutch (Hennepin)
Northern Pike 5.0 24.4 31.9
Black Crappie 29 8.6 10.3
Bluegill 38 7.1 8.9 
Independence (Hennepin)
Walleye 3.6 18.4 28.0
Northern Pike 1.9 29.4 32.7
Black Crappie 45 8.2 10.4
Bluegill 23 5.9 8.0
Minnetonka (Hennepin)
Walleye 1.7 19.8 26.5
Northern pike 11 23.0 37.1
Black crappie 2.6 8.4 10.6
Bluegill 41 6.3 8.3
Waconia (Carver)
Walleye 5.6 16.6 26.6
Northern pike 2.4 27.5 37.8
Black crappie 9.5 8.6 10.6
Bluegill 76 5.5 8.2

2019 post-winterkill assessment

In September 2019, we sampled Reitz Lake with electrofishing. The lake had a partial winterkill in 2018-19 and survey was made to assess degree of kill. (Recent reports of partial winterkills reported from winters of 2012-13, 2010-11, and 2007-08). Sampling was brief and selective, intended to check presence and sizes of gamefish, particularly largemouth bass.

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Lake (County) Date Species Number Avg. length (in) Length range (in)
Reitz (Carver) Sept 20, 2019 Northern Pike 5 15.0 8.8 - 25.3
Largemouth Bass 1 5 4.9  3.4 - 6.8
Bluegill 24 2.8  1.6 - 6.4
Black crappie 2 20 8.1  3.5 - 11.1
Fish were hatched this year, indicating presence of spawning adults after winterkill   Crappie in 10- and 11-inch size groups among fish captured

2019 bass electrofishing

We sampled a portion of surveyed lakes with electrofishing, which uses a specialized boat to run electricity through the water, to target largemouth bass. These are preliminary summary results. Once a lake's survey is posted on LakeFinder, final bass-sampling results will be included. Note: Steiger Lake has a catch-and-release-only Special Regulation for largemouth bass and northern pike.

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Lake (County) Date Species Number/hour Avg. length (in) / % over 15 inches Max. length (in)
Fish (Hennepin) 5/13/19 Largemouth 49 11.4 / 15% 19.7
Steiger [Stieger] (Carver) 5/14/19 Largemouth 46 14.1 / 54% 19.3
Fish (Scott) 5/16/19 Largemouth 84 13.0 / 24% 20.8
Dutch (Hennepin) 5/22/19 Largemouth 64 9.6 / 24% 19.9
Spurzem [Spurzen] (Hennepin) 5/23/19 Largemouth 10 13.9 / 30% 16.5

2019 spring sampling

Soon after ice-out, we sampled Steiger Lake, with a Special Regulation of Catch-and-Release only for largemouth bass and northern pike, to check sizes of those species. Results are from 15 net lifts at 10 locations.

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Lake (County) Date Species Number Avg. length (in) Length range (in)
Steiger [Stieger, Victoria] (Carver) Apr 15-17, 2019 Northern Pike 1 82 23.1 16.7 - 31.5
Largemouth Bass 2 15 16.2  6.6 - 19.5
1  None over 32 inches, three fish over 30 inches, majority 18-23 inches.         2 None over 20 inches, twelve fish over 15 inches, majority 16-19 inches.

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