Windom fisheries survey schedule

Survey and population assessment schedule - [date:custom:Y]

Each year the Windom Area Fisheries Office conducts standard lake surveys (SD), river surveys (RS), and other special assessments (TS & IBI) to monitor fish populations and other non-fish lake characteristics. Here we have posted our tentative schedule for your information. Note: this schedule is subject to change depending on weather, staff availability and other unforeseen factors. If you are interested in further information or would like to volunteer to assist in sampling please contact the Windom area fisheries office.

Lake survey and fish population assessments [date:custom:Y]

Slide text left for complete information

Sample Dates Lake County Survey Type
Sampling datesLakeCountySurvey Type
March-April------Winterkill Checks (as needed)
AprilSarahMurrayWalleye Spawn Take – Fry Production and Stocking
April-MayFairmont ChainMartinMuskellunge Assessment
May-June------Smallmouth and Largemouth Bass Electrofishing
May 20-24KinbraeNoblesStandard Survey
May 28-31Clear (Russel)LyonStandard Survey
June 3-7East TwinLyonStandard Survey
June 3-7West TwinLyonStandard Survey
June 10-14Big TwinMartinStandard Survey
June 17-21------Bluegill Harvest and Stocking in Kids Ponds
June 24-28------Flooding Response
June 30-July 3Wood LyonStandard Survey
July 8-12LoonJacksonStandard Survey
July 15-19TalcotCottonwoodStandard Survey
July 22-26Clear (Ceylon)MartinStandard Survey
July 29-Aug. 2Little SpiritJacksonStandard Survey
Aug. 5-9ShaokotanLincolnStandard Survey
Aug. 12-16ShetekMurrayStandard Survey with IBI
Aug. 19-23CottonwoodCottonwoodStandard Survey with IBI
Aug. 26-30BuddMartinStandard Survey
Sep. 3-6StayLincolnStandard Survey
Sep. 9-13FoxMartinStandard Survey
Sep. 16-20SarahMurrayStandard Survey
Sep.-Nov.------Fall Walleye Night Electrofishing
Sep.-Nov. ------Walleye Fingerling Harvest and Stocking
Sep.-Nov. ------Walleye Genetic Research Study (if needed)

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