Flooding in the campground
Campground road damage
Septic system damage
Road to south picnic area
Campground damage
Group camp bridge
Flooding in the beach area
Former manager's residence damage
CCC dam damage
Sanitation building damage
Low water crossing
Group parking lot damage
South picnic CCC wall
South picnic road
South picnic road
Lower Cedar Hill campground
Lower Cedar Hill campground
Group center sidewalk
Group parking lot damage
Group center bridge
Group center sidewalk
Group center road
Group center parking
Group center sidewalk
Trail Damage
Sanitation building
South picnic road
Group camp sanitation building
About 20 picnic tables were sept away
Camp Sites 89 & 91 Eroded Away
Damage to campers property was minimal
Debris on hwy & ball field
Erosion at base of Chimney Rock Trail
Flooded Beach
High water mark of S. Picnic Area vault toilet
Hillside soil, rock & vegetation slid down in many locations.
Hwy. 74 washed out by Nature Store
Many signs were damaged or destroyed
Recycling shed washed away & tree fell on it
River channel is now 100 from campground bridge
Road Out in Gooseberry Glen
Sediment on Gooseberry Glen Campground

South Picnic Area Bridge