Snow that falls in May is typically a novelty. The ground is usually too warm by May to allow much of an accumulation. Looking at past records for the Twin Cities, a trace of snow falls during the month of May fairly frequently. If the snow manages to accumulate it is generally under an inch and mostly on grassy surfaces. The most recent measureable Twin Cities snow event was 0.5 inches on May 3, 2013. About once every 30 years or so, there is a snow event that is enough to cover newly greened lawns and coat budding leaves. The last time there was a snow event in May greater than an inch in the Twin Cities was on May 2, 1976 with 1.2 inches. The most that it has snowed in May in a single event for the Twin Cities is three inches. This has happened on three occasions: May 20, 1892, May 1, 1935 and May 11-12, 1946.

Snow at Cross Lutheran Church, Maplewood, May 12. 1946. Photo courtesy Maplewood Area Historical Society.
Top Ten largest May Snowfalls for the Twin Cities 1892-2009 ------------------------------------------------- Rank Date Year Amount (in) #1. May 20 1892 3.0 May 1 1935 3.0 (Tie) May 11-12 1946 3.0 (Tie) #4 May 2-3 1954 2.4 #5 May 18 1915 2.0 #6 May 1 1909 1.8 #7 May 2 1976 1.2 #8 May 3 2013 0.5 (tie) May 8 1923 0.5 (tie) #10 May 9 1924 0.4