1991-2020 Monthly Temperature Normal Maps

A common misconception is that a climate "normal" describes the "typical" state of the atmosphere. "Normal" is simply a 30-year arithmetic mean, computed once per decade. The precipitation normals data presented in the maps below summarize the observation period 1991-2020. These values are benchmarks to be used throughout this decade as a measure of central tendency. Normals data can be useful in placing ongoing weather conditions in historical context. Additionally, normals data offer an excellent tool for describing climate variability across space. Clicking on any of the maps below will bring the user to a page that provides a larger version of the normal temperature map, as well as links to *.zip files containing the map in a variety of formats (*.jpg, *.png, *gdb ). *Note: in the raw raster data the temperature values are recorded in Celsius.
For more information contact: climate.dnr@state.mn.us
January MeanJanuary MeanJanuary MinimumJanuary MinimumJanuary MaximumJanuary Maximum
February MeanFebruary MeanFebruary MinimumFebruary MinimumFebruary MaximumFebruary Maximum
March MeanMarch MeanMarch MinimumMarch MinimumMarch MaximumMarch Maximum
April MeanApril MeanApril MinimumApril MinimumApril MaximumApril Maximum
May MeanMay MeanMay MinimumMay MinimumMay MaximumMay Maximum
June MeanJune MeanJune MinimumJune MinimumJune MaximumJune Maximum
July MeanJuly MeanJuly MinimumJuly MinimumJuly MaximumJuly Maximum
August MeanAugust MeanAugust MinimumAugust MinimumAugust MaximumAugust Maximum
September MeanSeptember MeanSeptember MinimumSeptember MinimumSeptember MaximumSeptember Maximum
October MeanOctober MeanOctober MinimumOctober MinimumOctober MaximumOctober Maximum
November MeanNovember MeanNovember MinimumNovember MinimumNovember MaximumNovember Maximum
December MeanDecember MeanDecember MinimumDecember MinimumDecember MaximumDecember Maximum

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