How to trap

Pheasant huntersRegulated trapping plays an important role in the ecology and conservation of Minnesota’s furbearers – mammals harvested primarily for their fur.

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources manages and regulates trapping to ensure trapping activities are safe, efficient and practical. Trapping is allowed only for abundant wildlife and is conducted as humanely as possible.

When to trap
Scroll table right to see more »
09/14/24 - 02/28/25 Rabbit, Cottontail and Snowshoe Hare Statewide
09/14/24 - 02/28/25 Rabbit, Jack Statewide
09/14/24 - 02/28/25 Squirrel, Gray and Fox Statewide
10/19/24 - 03/15/25 Badger North furbearer zone
10/19/24 - 03/15/25 Badger South furbearer zone
10/19/24 - 03/15/25 Fox, Gray and Red North furbearer zone
10/19/24 - 03/15/25 Fox, Gray and Red South furbearer zone
10/19/24 - 03/15/25 Opossum North furbearer zone
10/19/24 - 03/15/25 Opossum South furbearer zone
10/19/24 - 03/15/25 Raccoon North furbearer zone
10/19/24 - 03/15/25 Raccoon South furbearer zone
10/26/24 - 05/15/25 Beaver North furbearer zone
10/26/24 - 02/28/25 Mink North furbearer zone
10/26/24 - 02/28/25 Muskrat North furbearer zone
10/26/24 - 05/15/25 Otter North furbearer zone
11/02/24 - 05/15/25 Beaver South furbearer zone
11/02/24 - 02/28/25 Mink South furbearer zone
11/02/24 - 02/28/25 Muskrat South furbearer zone
11/02/24 - 05/15/25 Otter South furbearer zone
09/13/25 - 02/28/26 Rabbit, Cottontail & Snowshoe Hare Statewide
09/13/25 - 02/28/26 Rabbit, Jack Statewide
09/20/25 - 02/28/26 Squirrel, Gray and Fox Statewide
10/18/25 - 03/15/26 Badger North furbearer zone
10/18/25 - 03/15/26 Fox, Gray and Red North furbearer zone
10/18/25 - 03/15/26 Opossum North furbearer zone
10/18/25 - 03/15/26 Raccoon North furbearer zone
10/25/25 - 03/15/26 Badger South furbearer zone
10/25/25 - 05/15/26 Beaver North furbearer zone
10/25/25 - 03/15/26 Fox, Gray and Red South furbearer zone
10/25/25 - 02/28/26 Mink North furbearer zone
10/25/25 - 02/28/26 Muskrat North furbearer zone
10/25/25 - 03/15/26 Opossum South furbearer zone
10/25/25 - 05/15/26 Otter North furbearer zone
10/25/25 - 03/15/26 Raccoon South furbearer zone
11/01/25 - 05/15/26 Beaver South furbearer zone
11/01/25 - 02/28/26 Mink South furbearer zone
11/01/25 - 02/28/26 Muskrat South furbearer zone
11/01/25 - 05/15/26 Otter South furbearer zone
12/13/25 - 01/18/26 Bobcat North Furbearer Zone
12/13/25 - 12/21/25 Fisher North Furbearer Zone
12/13/25 - 12/21/25 Pine Marten North Furbearer Zone
09/19/26 - 02/28/27 Rabbit, Cottontail & Snowshoe Hare Statewide
09/19/26 - 02/28/27 Rabbit, Jack Statewide
09/19/26 - 02/28/27 Squirrel, Gray & Fox Statewide
10/17/26 - 03/15/27 Badger North furbearer zone
10/17/26 - 03/15/27 Fox, Gray & Red North furbearer zone
10/17/26 - 03/15/27 Opossum North furbearer zone
10/17/26 - 03/15/27 Raccoon North furbearer zone
10/24/26 - 03/15/27 Badger South furbearer zone
10/24/26 - 05/15/27 Beaver North furbearer zone
10/24/26 - 03/15/27 Fox, Gray & Red South furbearer zone
10/24/26 - 02/28/27 Mink North furbearer zone
10/24/26 - 02/28/27 Muskrat North furbearer zone
10/24/26 - 03/15/27 Opossum South furbearer zone
10/24/26 - 05/15/27 Otter North furbearer zone
10/24/26 - 03/15/27 Raccoon South furbearer zone
10/31/26 - 05/15/27 Beaver South furbearer zone
10/31/26 - 02/28/27 Mink South furbearer zone
10/31/26 - 02/28/27 Muskrat South furbearer zone
10/31/26 - 05/15/27 Otter South furbearer zone
12/12/26 - 01/17/27 Bobcat North Furbearer Zone
12/12/26 - 12/20/26 Fisher North Furbearer Zone
12/12/26 - 12/20/26 Pine Marten North Furbearer Zone
Where to trap

You can trap on many types of public land including state Wildlife Management Areas and county, state and national forests. You can trap private land too if you have permission from the landowner or if it is forested land where permission is not necessary unless posted closed to hunting. Use the DNR Recreation Compassto view the location of various types of public hunting land. To learn about trapping on private land, learn about trespassing.

How to trap

Trapping is highly regulated and techniques vary by species. Most people learn how to trap by attending a trapper education course. In fact, persons born after Dec. 31, 1989, who have not been issued a trapping license in a previous license year may not obtain a trapping license without a trapper education certificate. The Minnesota Trappers Association conducts trapper education courses statewide, free of charge to the participants, and issue certificates that satisfy this requirement.

Contact the MTA at for class information. These courses include a mandatory field training portion that must be completed before certification. Please plan to take the course well in advance of the fur trapping season.


You will learn what gear you need during your trapper education course.

What's important to know
Trapping is highly regulated. Click here to view current trapping regulations.
Helpful information

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