State game refuges


A state game refuge is closed to the hunting and trapping of wild animals unless listed below or in the activity tables on this webpage.

Even though a refuge may be open, it could contain privately owned land on which the landowner may prohibit access.

General restrictions

  • A person may not trap beaver or otter within any state-owned game refuge without first obtaining a permit from the appropriate wildlife manager.
  • Unprotected wild animals may be taken when there is an open season for any protected species but only during the hours and by methods allowed for the protected species.
  • Firearms must be cased and unloaded and bows must be cased unless lawfully hunting in a refuge.

Special restrictions

Refuge activitity lookup

Refuges may be private property. Landowner permission may be required. Small game includes turkey but excludes waterfowl. Use this table to view refuges open to goose hunting.

Hunting and trapping Goose hunting

Use the search box to locate refuges and view what hunting and trapping activities are allowed.

Goose hunting

Use the search box to locate refuges and view when goose hunting is allowed.

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