Help protect Minnesota waters from aquatic invasive species |
When removing boats, docks, lifts, or other water-related equipment from lakes and rivers, carefully inspect everything to make sure there are no aquatic invasive species (AIS) such as zebra mussels, Eurasian watermilfoil, or New Zealand mudsnails attached. Look on the posts, wheels, and underwater support bars of docks and lifts, as well as any parts of boats, pontoons, and rafts that may have been submerged in water for an extended period. In newly infested waters, adult zebra mussels may not be abundant and you might notice only a few mussels on your equipment.
Early detection for zebra mussels is important in protecting your property and Minnesota's water resources. Learn how you can become a volunteer zebra mussel monitor. Many different invasive plants and animals harm Minnesota waters. Learn to identify aquatic invasive species. |
Click to enlarge: Illustration of a zebra mussel. Zebra mussels found on a boat lift. A hard-to-spot zebra mussel on a trailer. |
Reporting aquatic invasive species
Responding quickly to new AIS infestations is critical to help curb the spread into other waterbodies. If you find something you suspect is a zebra mussel, faucet snail, or other aquatic invasive species, note the exact location, take a photo, keep the specimen, and contact a local Minnesota DNR AIS Specialist or fisheries office.
Hiring businesses to install or remove water-related equipment
If you hire a business to install or remove your boat, dock, or lift, or other water-related equipment, make sure they have completed AIS training and are on the DNR's list of Permitted Service Providers. Lake service providers that have completed DNR training and obtained their service provider permit will have a permit sticker in the lower driver's-side corner of their vehicle's windshield. They have attended training on AIS laws and many have experience identifying and removing invasive species.
Moving docks, lifts, and equipment to another waterbody
If you plan to move a dock, lift or other water equipment from one lake or river to another, all visible zebra mussels, faucet snails, and aquatic plants must be removed whether they are dead or alive. You may not transport equipment with prohibited invasive species or aquatic plants attached. The equipment must be out of the water for 21 days before it can be placed in another waterbody.
Storing lifts and docks for winter
You may remove water-related equipment from a water body – even if it has zebra mussels or other prohibited invasive species attached – and place it on the adjacent shoreline property without a permit.
However, if you want to transport a dock or lift to another location for storage or repair, you may need a permit to authorize transport of prohibited invasive species and aquatic plants.
Transporting watercraft for storage
You may not transport any watercraft with zebra mussels, faucet snails, or other prohibited invasive species or aquatic plants attached away from a water access or other shoreland property, even if you intend to put it in storage for the winter.
If you need to transport your watercraft at the end of the season, you may need a permit to authorize transport of prohibited invasive species and aquatic plants.
Transporting Aquatic Plants for Disposal
You may not transport aquatic plants from a shoreland property to a disposal location without a permit. Shoreland owners interested in transporting aquatic plants – including aquatic plants with prohibited invasive species attached – to a disposal location must complete and sign a permit to authorize transport of aquatic plants and attached prohibited invasive species.