The Mille Lacs Fisheries Advisory Committee advises the Department of Natural Resources on state of Minnesota’s fisheries management activities for Mille Lacs Lake. MLFAC was iinitially convened in 2015.Updates on the committee and its actions, including upcoming meeting dates and topics discussed, will be available on this page.
The committee advises the DNR on issues that are relevant to the state’s management of Mille Lacs Lake fisheries, including any activities that are authorized, licensed, permitted or otherwise regulated or managed by the state.The DNR will support the committee by supplying information that is used to help manage the Mille Lacs fisheries, including standard fish population assessments, creel harvest surveys, status of invasive species or other available information requested by the committee.The committee will:
Represent the breadth of interests around Mille Lacs fisheries;
Learn about and contribute to a shared understanding of biological, social, and economic aspects of the fishery;
Identify and communicate to DNR staff significant stakeholder issues related to the state’s management of the fisheries of Mille Lacs Lake;
Facilitate dialogue between the public and the DNR regarding important issues;
Provide input to advise DNR on potential approaches to respond to issues; and
Provide advice on the most effective and acceptable regulations for the state’s Mille Lacs fisheries.
Each committee member will serve a three-year term. The committee will meet quarterly each year or as needed.
Bill Eno, Garrison, Twin Pines Resort and launch service
Dean Hanson (co-chair), Isle, Agate Bay Resort and launch service
Steven Johnson, East Township, Johnson’s Portside
Steve Kulifaj, Aitkin County, at-large representative
Peter Perovich, DNR Bass Workgroup
Tony Roach, Roach’s Guide Service
Mark Utne, Lakeshore homeowner
Laurie Westerlund, Aitkin County Commissioner
Justin Baldwin, Anoka, business representative
Curtis Kalk, Mille Lacs Band of Ojibway, angling representative
Wesley Basset, Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, at-large representative
Jason Bahr, Crow Wing County, business representative
Larry Dahler, Dakota County, angling representative
Ryan Fitzpatrick, Hennepin County, at-large representative
Melissa LaBeau, angling representative
Megan Uphoff, Washington County, angling representative
Steve Heiskary, Anoka County, at-large representative
Jodi Crowell, tourism representative
The DNR advertises available committee seats intermittently when a number have become open. In between these calls, the DNR welcomes applications on a rolling basis. Please carefully review the MLFAC application page before applying
Meetings take place approximately quarterly.Members of the public may observe MLFAC meetings but these meetings serve primarily as a way for the committee to hold group discussions. Fifteen minutes are reserved for public comments and questions. For upcoming online meetings, members of the public who wish to observe the meeting or speak during the public comment period should contact [email protected].