Aquatic Invertebrates
by Nadine Meyer
May 2010
Strange Beginnings, 2010
by Karen Needham & Launi Lucas, Illustrated by Launi Lucas Tradewinds Books
Grades: PreK-4 ISBN: 1-896580-11-4
This alluring book about aquatic insects takes the reader into the micro-world of life underwater. The scientifically accurate illustrations are breath-taking and engaging. Every larval stage described is followed by the adult stage with short vignettes describing the behaviors of the insects at each stage. Delightful and poetic - a beautiful book to inspire youth to learn more about the natural world.
Available in paperback.

Backyard Books: Are You a Dragonfly?
by Judy Allen, Illustrated by Tudor Humphries, Kingfisher Publications
Grades: 2-6 ISBN: 0-7534-5346-0
An excellent book for beginning readers that introduces the world of dragonflies from the dragonfly's perspective. The illustrations are scientifically accurate and follow the text very well. This book can also be used as a reference for student research.
Available in paperback & hardcover.

A Guide to Common Freshwater Invertebrates in North America, 2009
By J. Reese Voshell, Jr. Illustrated by Amy Bartlett Wright, The McDonald & Woodward Publishing Company
Grades: 7 and up ISBN: 9780939923878
This in-depth field guide includes full-color plates of multiple species of aquatic invertebrates, a handy chart to help guide the reader to the correct family before going into the color plates, and instructions on how to safely sample for invertebrates in aquatic habitats. Biological information about each family and the species within each family is also provided; including habitat preference, physical structures, physical functions, and behaviors. This go-to reference is handy for field investigations and as a reference for student research.
Available in paperback.