by Nadine Meyer
September 2010

Trout are Made of Trees, 2008
by April Pulley Sayre, Ill. by Kate Endle
Grades: PreK-2 ISBN: 978-1-5809-138-7
Two young children discover the interrelationship between trout, forests, and streams by conducting observations while on a camping trip. The difficult concept of interconnection is brought to light in a very simple and powerful way.
Available in paperback.

The Case of the Missing Cutthroats, 1999
By Jean Craighead George; Ill. by Suzanne Duranceau
Grades: 3-6 ISBN: 0064406474
After Spinner Shafter catches a cutthroat trout in the Snake River, she and her cousin Alligator search nearby mountains to determine where the endangered fish came from and how it survived.
Available in library binding & paperback

Going Blue: a Teen Guide to Saving our Oceans, Lakes, Rivers & Wetlands, 2010
by Cathryn Berger Kaye & Philippe Cousteau
Grades: 7-12 and adults Activity Guide ISBN: 1575423480
This Activity Guide provides a road map towards stewardship and service-learning for youth and youth-leaders. It is colorfully illustrated with graphics and photographs that create a foundation for complex understanding of our connection to the rest of the world through water. Using real-world examples of youth from land-locked and coastal areas, connections are made about how stewardship in a small town on a small creek can impact sea turtles hundreds of miles away. Inspiring and engaging, this book can be a motivator for youth to take action and be leaders in their communities to formulate change at a local level with global impacts.
Available in paperback.