OHV Trail Detail

Fond du Lac State Forest Trails

Fond du Lac State Forest Trails

Thirty-seven miles of trails wind throughout the 64,000 acre Fond du Lac State Forest. Some sections offer wide, gentle curves while the majority are narrow with tighter curves and corners. Much of the route follows ridges that border wetlands, marshy areas, wooded swamps and shallow wild-rice lakes. Trails located within the forest offer more challenging loops, and a gravel pit provides riders with a large practice area. The Fond du Lac State Forest is classified as LIMITED. These trails are provided and maintained by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

Winter Use: OHV trails in forest are open to winter ATV use, with the exception of snowmobile trails after grooming begins.

No plowed parking lots.

Trail closings | Trail map | What is a geoPDF map?

Not a resident of Minnesota? Don't forget your trail pass.

Current Forest Road Closures


Carlton County

Parking and trail access north of Cromwell, off Co. Rd. 120 as well as Gravel Pit Rd.

  • MN DNR Parks & Trails
  • Moose Lake Area Office
  • 218-460-7021
Trail location map

Vehicles allowed

ATV ATV (class II allowed)


ORV ORV allowed only on state forest roads.

vehicle definitions

When open


Normal season:

view closings list

Difficulty & trail length


more difficult

37 miles

difficulty definitions



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