- Adhere to MN Rule 6120.3300 for shoreline setback Excerpt from Shoreland and Floodplain Management.
- Consult a shoreline specialist for an in-depth shoreline assessment to guide implementation of best management practices. PWA Assessment Detailed On-Site Analysis by Specialist(s)
- Maintain a no-mow buffer area as wide as possible, excluding necessary infrastructure
- Preserve 75% of the shoreline.
- Protect emergent vegetation. example
Close up image of emergent vegetation.
- Protect natural vegetation from human disturbance in buffer zones from the upland to the shoreline by fencing and posting signs to discourage trampling. example
Protect natural vegetation from human disturbance.
- Designate areas for shore fishing and/or build fishing piers to prevent trampling of shoreline areas. example
People fishing on a pier.
- Showcase shoreline protection. example
1) Interpretive signs along shore. 2) Detail of interpretive panel. 3) Visitor looking at interpretive panel.