Weekly CO report
District 17 - Albert Lea area
Last updated: 2024-11-04
CO Tyler Lusignan (Faribault) checked anglers and hunting activity in the area. The colder weather looked to bring an increase of migratory birds.
CO Corey Wiebusch (Mankato #2) fielded several calls of carcasses being dumped along the roadside. Calls of hunters trespassing were taken. Angling and waterfowl activity was also worked.
CO Chris Howe (St. Peter) spent most of the week on hunting enforcement, with lots of questions coming in. The area saw some precipitation this week. Crop harvest is basically finished, which should be helpful for the firearms deer hunters. Howe assisted neighboring officers on an enforcement detail.
CO Jamie VanThuyne (Mankato #1) focused on hunting activity. VanThuyne also spoke at a firearms safety class, checked watercraft for AIS compliance, and assisted local agencies.
CO Chad Davis (Owatonna) worked with COC Emmitt Winkels and checked anglers, boaters, hunters, and ATV operators. The officers patrolled aquatic management areas, wildlife management areas, state parks, waterfowl production areas, completed commercial inspections, and responded to calls. Multiple violations were encountered throughout the week.
CO Jeremy Henke (Albert Lea) worked with COC Mitch Nowak. The officers spent the week monitoring ATV activity, patrolling local water accesses, and checking shore anglers and waterfowl hunters. Time was spent monitoring pheasant hunters. Enforcement action was taken for various violations.
CO Nicholas Ambroz (Waseca) worked deer, pheasant, and waterfowl hunting activity. Angling checks were made. Recreational vehicle activity was also monitored.