What kind of colors will we have this year?
Sizzling scarlet and zesty yellows, or earthy oranges and rusty reds…what hues will paint the Minnesota landscape this year? We can only guess, but some recent weather factors could give us clues!Dull or earthy fall colors can be caused by drought or leaf disease. Mild summer drought can enhance fall colors, but a severe drought usually dulls them considerably, with the lack of water causing foliage to turn straw-colored and die early. A severe summer drought landscape is filled with the subtler colors of tans, bronzes and auburns. Good news! Since early June 2024, the entire state of Minnesota has been drought-free.The best fall colors usually follow a growing season that had average precipitation. Although our excessively wet spring caused leaf diseases on some species like aspen and oaks, it fortunately didn't cause much leaf loss. After Minnesota's 2023 drought, this year's rainy growing season means trees have the potential to maximize their color production in the fall.The weather in September also has a big impact on the shades we'll see. Leaves are more likely to display brilliant colors when the days are sunny and the nights are cool (between 32-45 °F), without big swings in temperature. Light frosts can help, but a hard freeze or early snow could stop the show in its tracks.

Maplewood, October 4, 2022 - Larry Kraft
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Maplewood, October 9, 2015 - David Nilles
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