State record fish: Certified weight


11 popular fish species records now open

Applications now are being accepted so new certified weight records can replace the existing non-certified weight records that were established for these fish species prior to 1980.

  • Black crappie
  • Bluegill
  • Brown bullhead
  • Channel catfish
  • Common carp
  • Flathead catfish
  • Lake trout
  • Northern pike
  • Smallmouth bass
  • Walleye
  • Yellow perch

Yellow bass added

Yellow bass are being established as a new record because the species has dramatically increased in both presence and popularity, particularly in south-central Minnesota.

Fish listed below were weighed on a certified scale and an application was submitted and approved. See the rules section to submit an application for a certified weight record. New records are listed in bold.

Use show entries, search and sort to locate and list record fish

Last update: [node:changed:custom:l, F d, Y @ h:i a T]
Fish Lbs. Oz. Inches Girth Place caught County Caught
Bass, Largemouth 8 15 23½ 17½ Auburn Lake Carver 10/3/2005
Bass, Rock (tie) 2 0 13½ 12½ Lake Osakis Todd 5/10/1998
Bass, Rock (tie) 2 0 12½ 12⅜ Lake Winnibigoshish Cass 8/30/2004
Bass, White 4 8 20 16 Vadnais Lake Ramsey 10/10/2016
Bass, Yellow 1 8 12.5 N/P Clear Lake Jackson 5/11/2024
Bowfin 12 9 31½ 18 Mississippi River Wabasha 9/14/2012
Buffalo, Bigmouth 41 11 38⅜ 29½ Pool 4 Mississippi River Goodhue 5/7/1991
Buffalo, Smallmouth 20 0 32 23¾ Big Sandy Aitkin 9/20/2003
Bullhead, Black 3 13 17⅛ 14⅞ Reno Lake Pope 6/8/1997
Bullhead, Yellow 3 10 17⅞ 11¾ Lake Osakis Todd 8/5/2002
Burbot (Eelpout) 19 10 33 23⅞ Lake of the Woods; near Baudette Lake of the 12/19/2016
Carpsucker, Quillback 7 4 22⅝ 18 Upper Red Lake Beltrami 8/9/2010
Carpsucker, River 4 6 21⅝ 16 Minnesota River Carver 11/19/2012
Cisco (Tullibee) 5 13 20¾ 16¾ Sybil Lake Otter Tail 3/9/2015
Crappie, Black 3 9 17.5 N/P Cedar Lake Rice 5/9/2024
Crappie, White 3 15 18 16 Lake Constance Wright 7/28/2002
Drum, Freshwater (Sheepshead) 35 3 36 31 Mississippi River near Winona Winona 10/5/1999
Gar, Longnose 16 12 53 16½ St. Croix River near Prescott Washington 5/4/1982
Gar, Shortnose 5 4 31 11¾ Minnesota River Renville 4/17/2017
Goldeye 3 5 20 ⅔ 13½ Minnesota River Blue Earth 5/3/2020
Hogsucker, Northern 3 4 18½ 9 Mississippi River near St. Cloud Stearns 5/3/2023
Mooneye 1 15 16½ Minnesota River Redwood 6/18/1980
Muskellunge 55 14 57¾ 29 Mille Lacs Lake Mille Lacs 11/22/2021
Muskellunge, Tiger 34 12 51 22½ Lake Elmo Washington 7/7/1999
Redhorse, Golden 4 8 22½ 12¾ Otter Tail River Otter Tail 4/7/2018
Redhorse, Greater 12 11 28½ 18½ Sauk River Stearns 5/20/2005
Redhorse, River 12 10 28⅜ 20 Kettle River Pine 5/20/2005
Redhorse, Shorthead 7 15 27 15 Rum River near Ramsey Anoka 8/5/1983
Redhorse, Silver 10 6 26¾ 17½ Rainy River Koochiching 4/28/2018
Salmon, Atlantic 12 13 35½ 16½ Baptism River Lake 10/12/1991
Salmon, Chinook - Tie 33 4 44¾ 25¾ Poplar River Cook 9/23/1989
Salmon, Chinook - Tie 33 4 42¼ 26⅛ Lake Superior St. Louis 10/12/1989
Salmon, Coho 12 5 33.75 N/P Lake Superior St. Louis 6/1/2024
Salmon, Pink 4 8 23½ 13⅛ Cascade River Cook 9/9/1989
Sauger 6 2 23⅞ 15 Mississippi River near Red Wing, (L&D No.3) Goodhue 5/23/1988
Saugeye,Walleye x Sauger Hybrid 9 13 27 17¾ Mississippi River near Red Wing Goodhue 3/20/1999
Sturgeon, Lake 94 4 70 26½ Kettle River Pine 9/5/1994
Sturgeon, Shovelnose 6 7 33 13¾ Mississippi River near Red Wing Goodhue 2/19/2012
Sucker, Longnose 3 10 21 10¼ Brule River Cook 5/19/2005
Sucker, White 9 1 24¼ 16¼ Big Fish Lake Stearns 5/1/1983
Sunfish, Green 1 4 10¼ 10⅝ North Arbor Lake Hennepin 6/14/2005
Sunfish, HybridTie 1 12 11½ 12 Zumbro River Olmsted 7/9/1994
Sunfish, HybridTie 1 12 12 13 Green Lake Kandiyohi 9/18/2022
Sunfish, Pumpkinseed 1 5 10 12⅛ Leech Lake Cass 6/6/1999
Trout, Brook 6 5 24 14½ Pigeon River Cook 9/2/2000
Trout, Brown 16 12 31⅜ 20½ Lake Superior St. Louis 6/23/1989
Trout, Rainbow (Steelhead) 16 6 33 19½ Devil Track River Cook 4/27/1980
Trout, Splake, (Brook x Lake Trout Hybrid) 13 5 33½ 19 Larson Lake Itasca 2/11/2001
Trout, Tiger 2 9 20 9⅝ Mill Creek Olmsted 8/7/1999
Whitefish, Lake 13 9 29½ 22 Lake of the Woods Lake of the Woods 4/6/2019
Whitefish, Menominee, (Round) 2 7 21 9 Lake Superior Cook 4/27/1987


Download, review, save and print the complete rules and application package before you go fishing.

If you catch a fish that you think could be a record, follow these steps:

  • To ensure your catch qualifies:
    1. For a certified weight record that exists, find and review the listing in the table above for the fish you caught.
    2. For a new record for yellow bass or one of the existing 11 fish species records that have been re-opened, .
      Fish Minimum weight
      Black crappie 2.5 lbs.
      Bluegill 1.5 lbs.
      Brown bullhead 3 lbs.
      Channel catfish 30 lbs.
      Common Carp 30 lbs.
      Flathead catfish 58 lbs.
      Lake trout 13 lbs.
      Northern pike 32 lbs.
      Smallmouth bass 7 lbs.
      Walleye 14 lbs.
      Yellow bass 1 lbs.
      Yellow perch 1 lbs.
  • Download the certified weight record fish application.
  • Print it and bring it with you to the weighing so it can be signed by a witness.
  • Have the fish weighed on a state-certified scale, which can be found at most bait and butcher shops.
  • An observer must witness the weighing, sign and date your application in the appropriate area.
  • Take the fish and your application to a DNR area fisheries office for positive identification by fisheries biologists.
  • Complete the application, follow the application's detailed instructions on taking photographs and send all application materials to the address listed on the application.
  • Fish may not be caught using any methods other than angling and may not be snagged.
  • Fish caught from any fish hatchery (private, club or government) are not eligible to be considered for a state record.
  • Fish caught on a body of water without a public access are not eligible to be considered for a state record.
  • Fish must be caught during the legal open season and hours in Minnesota waters, including those boundary waters where a Minnesota fishing license is valid, by a person licensed or otherwise legally entitled to angle in Minnesota.
  • Fish must be weighted on a certfied scale, which is available at most bait and butcher shops.
  • Fish must be brought to an area fisheries office for species identfication/verification. Two DNR fisheries biologists must atest to the correct species identity.
  • The girth of the fish, measured around the thickest portion of the body, is desired but optional.
  • Applications must be submited within 90 days of the date on which the fish was caught.

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