High conservation value forests (HCVF)
The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) broadly defines high conservation value forests (HCVFs) as "areas of outstanding biological or cultural significance." Certificate holders are required to develop a practical definition and process for implementing the HCVF concept, relative to their scope and scale of operations.
How does this affect DNR's approach to resource management?
DNR is committed and required by statute (Minnesota Statues, 89 and Minnesota Statues, 89A ) to manage for a broad set of objectives and forest resources, including the management and protection of rare species, communities, features, and values across the landscape. This commitment coincides with Principle 9 in the FSC-US National Forest Management Standard , which requires certificate holders to identify HCVFs and manage such sites to "maintain or enhance" identified high conservation values (HCVs). Principle 9 states:
"Management activities in high conservation value forests shall maintain or enhance the attributes which define such forests. Decisions regarding high conservation value forests shall always be considered in the context of a precautionary approach. "
All decisions regarding DNR's HCVF approach have been based on the interpretation that most sites managed as HCVFs will remain working forests. This interpretation and expectation was based on a careful review of Principle 9 in the FSC-US National Forest Management Standard and FSC's HCVF Assessment Framework.
Where can I find additional information?
- HCVF Fact Sheet
- Criteria for Selecting HCVFs
- DNR High Conservation Values (HCVs)
- Interim HCV Guidelines
- DNR Regional HCVF Maps showing site-specific maps and reports of HCVFs.
DNR is also looking to consult and coordinate conservation efforts with adjacent land managers. If you are interested in working with DNR to maintain or enhance HCVs on DNR-administered land that are adjacent to or may cross onto your land, email Adam James.