Performing scientific research on state-administered forest lands

women forester kneeing by tree collecting something from the forest floor

Minnesota's state-administered forest lands offer a unique place for research and education. These state-administered forest lands are open to all Minnesotans, but research and certain special uses require a permit.

Researchers who perform experiments or collect scientific data on certain Minnesota DNR-administered forest lands are asked to complete this research application prior to initiating data collection.

Research Application

Your research project may require a special use permit, lease, and/or other research agreement; this application will help us direct you to the appropriate form(s) and permissions needed to perform research on DNR-administered forest lands. Please note the DNR may be unable to grant all research requests.

Before filling out the application, consider:

  • This application is for state-administered forest lands only and does not apply to research carried out on non-state lands (e.g., private, federal, county, Tribal).
  • This application does not apply to research carried out in State Parks or Scientific & Natural Areas. Specific permits are required for research on those lands:
  • Researchers may need additional DNR permits to conduct certain types of scientific research. This research application does not replace any required permits, such as:

For questions about this application, please contact DNR Forestry Applied Science Coordinator, Amanda Kueper at [email protected].

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