Aggregate resources are essential to Minnesota's infrastructure and economy. We rely on construction aggregate materials as the key ingredients in our roads, bridges, airports, hospitals, playgrounds and more.
“By knowing the location of aggregate, as well as having the conversation about the importance of aggregates, local and state governments can do a better job preserving and conserving natural resources.”
Statewide, up to 50% of aggregate utilization contributes to publicly funded infrastructure projects. The DNR's Aggregate Resource Mapping Program (ARMP) provides field-researched information that helps local governments and other stakeholders balance stewardship of mineral resources, the environment, and local economies.
Why map it?
From conservation of nonrenewable natural resources to fiscal responsibility and uncovering the irregular distribution of aggregate materials by natural geologic processes, the slides above illustrate just some of the benefits of aggregate mapping.
Resource Mapping & County Participation
Counties are invited to join the program with passage of a Board Resolution. Contact an ARMP Coordinator to start developing your plan and receive a sample resolution. Nineteen counties have already been mapped with financial support from the Minerals Coordinating Committee and General Fund, and 20 counties have passed resolutions to join ARMP and are currently pending funding.
Status | Counties |
Aitkin, Benton, Blue Earth, Carlton, Chisago, Clay, Dodge, Isanti, Itasca, Kanabec, Kandiyohi, Le Sueur, Meeker, Mille Lacs, Nicollet, Olmsted, Redwood, Renville, Sherburne, Sibley, Stearns, Swift, Wright, and portions of St. Louis and Lake |
St. Louis, Yellow Medicine |
Becker, Beltrami, Brown, Cass, Chippewa, Cook, Cottonwood, Douglas, Hubbard, Jackson, Koochiching, Lake, Lyon, Martin, Murray, Nobles, Pine, Rock, Todd, Wabasha, Wadena, Watonwan |
7-County metro area |
As a non-renewable resource, aggregate maps provides a permanent asset to local governments and the public. The DNR seeks to carry out a 10-year plan to complete aggregate mapping in every Minnesota county. Fully funded, this program would map 6 counties annually starting with those already requested by resolution.
DNR geologists use county-scale mapping techniques to find sand, gravel, and crushed stone resources and characterize quality. Results are typically published within 1-2 years. The information is used by local governments, citizens, land use planners, industry, and environmental groups.
ARMP publishes a suite of county-specific data products. These include a GIS data package, a countywide PDF map, and access to an interactive map application. ARMP products are free for all users.
Digital download | Index of digital maps and GIS data by County. Publication dates and catalog varies. |
Interactive viewing | Launch Aggregate Mapper to explore statewide GIS data via your browser or mobile device. |
Paper maps and alternative formats |
Email our team or call 651-259-5959 to discuss hard copies or other resources. |
Program News
Find out about the latest aggregate mapping progress below or by signing up for email notifications:
- 10/4/22 - Swift, Sibley, and Redwood Counties published in Fall 2022
Geologists in the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) Aggregate Resource Mapping Program (ARMP) completed three new natural resource maps showing the potential for sand and gravel deposits and crushed stone resources in Swift, Sibley, and Redwood counties. Each project’s datasets, including maps to locate aggregate resources and countywide gravel pit surveys, are now available. The sand and gravel maps are the most recent products from ARMP providing field-researched information to locate sand, gravel, and crushed stone resources and characterize the quality of a deposit. DNR geologists are working towards creating detailed aggregate maps for every county statewide.
The Minnesota Legislature established ARMP in 1984. Today, twenty-three Minnesota counties have access to completed aggregate resource maps. A three-year grant from the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund, as recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources, provided funding for aggregate resource mapping in Kandiyohi, Redwood, Swift, and Sibley counties.
- 3/30/21 - Resource map and data published for Kandiyohi County
Aggregate Resource Mapping Program (ARMP) geologists have completed a new natural resources map showing the potential for sand and gravel deposits in Kandiyohi County. Project datasets, including a map to locate sand and gravel and a countywide gravel pit survey, are now available on the ARMP Kandiyohi County page. Paper copy maps are available upon request.
The sand and gravel map for Kandiyohi County is the most recent product from DNR providing field-researched information to help land use planners and industry leaders make informed decisions on how to maintain access to and best use these resources for local infrastructure and construction needs. Over the next 10 years, DNR geologists will be working towards creating detailed aggregate maps for every county statewide. A three-year grant from the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund, as recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources, provided funding for aggregate resource mapping in Kandiyohi, Redwood, Swift, and Sibley counties. The 2017 Aggregate Resources Task Force legislative committee provides additional support for aggregate resource mapping.
For more information including hard-copy map requests and help getting your county involved with ARMP, contact an ARMP Coordinator.
- 2/20/20 - Engagement grows in southwest Minnesota
Nobles and Martin Counties passed County Board resolutions in early 2020 and joined the DNR’s Aggregate Resource Mapping program waitlist. Browse the map of county involvement and view completed maps, above.
ARMP leaders visited the Redwood County Board of Commissioners in February 2020, detailing the importance of aggregate mapping and outlining the plans for fieldwork set to begin this spring. For more information and a sample resolution to help your county get started with ARMP, reach out to an ARMP Coordinator.
- 1/14/20 - Mapping underway in four counties
The DNR's Aggregate Resource Mapping Program has begun mapping in Kandiyohi and Redwood Counties. Three geologists are reviewing historical data and preparing for spring 2020 fieldwork. Mapping in Swift and Sibley counties will begin fall 2020. Read more about the upcoming work courtesy of the West Central Tribune.
- 12/6/19 - Two counties vote to join the aggregate program
Board officials from Rock and Cottonwood counties have passed resolutions in 2019 requesting DNR aggregate maps. To date, 13 Minnesota counties have opted-in to the program, but remain unmapped until additional funding is secured. To learn more about how your county can get involved, please contact us!
- 5/24/19 - LCCMR to fund four county mapping projects
DNR’s Aggregate Resources Mapping Program (ARMP) is back! During the 2018/19 legislative session, the Legislative‐Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) approved a funding proposal that will rejuvenate the program through 2022. The DNR will be making aggregate maps for Kandiyohi, Redwood, Swift, and Sibley counties. Funding for this project is provided by the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as recommended by LCCMR.