This page provides spreadsheets of summary data for certain types of DNR license sales. A summary may not include all license types associated with the season.These spreadsheets contain sales numbers. Privacy laws restrict including any data on individuals.While this data can be used to track estimates, it should not be used for formal fiscal or sales reporting. Also note that sales may balance out over a season and change due to external factors such as weather.These spreadsheets are not updated daily. They are prepared based on timelines identified in each spreadsheet.
License dollars at work
Hunting and fishing license dollars pay for fish and wildlife management, public land infrastructure maintenance and habitat management that DNR fish and wildlife staff perform across Minnesota.That work creates some of the nation's most sought-after outdoor experiences. You'll find them fishing or boating on one of Minnesota's 4,500 fishing lakes, paddling or wading its 16,000 miles of fishable rivers and streams or afoot in field and forest at one of its 1,500 Wildlife Management Areas.
Historical license sales
This file provides a history of number of licenses sold dating back to 1957. Information includes completed license year data. A license year begins March 1 to the last day in February. Download
If you have questions about any of the data made available here or how it should be used or analyzed, please contact Pete Takash, fish and wildlife communications coordinator.