Permits issued by the DNR may allow scientists, educators, animal control authorities, natural resource professionals and the public to take or possess live animals, animal remains, nests and homes for educational and research purposes. Depending on the types of species and activities an applicant is requesting permitting, more than one permit or permit type may be needed. Note that some permits may take several months from the time an application is submitted to the time a permit is issued, please plan accordingly.
Education and Salvage
A permit is required to transport and possess animals (alive or specimens) for use in educational programs.
Wildlife Removal and Depredation
Research and Scientific
A permit is required to collect eggs, nests and wild animals for scientific or exhibition purposes.
All falconers are required to obtain a state permit through the Minnesota DNR to practice falconry in Minnesota.
Wildlife Rehabilitation
There are three classes of wildlife rehabilitation permits in Minnesota: novice, general and master.
Aquatic Animal Importation, Stocking and Sale
Endangered and Threatened Species
A permit is required to take, pursue, capture, kill, dig up, dispose, destroy, import, possess, transport or sell live or dead endangered or threatened plants or animals, including their parts or seeds.
Invasive Species
A permit is required for scientific research, educational uses, control or disposal of invasive species.