Pseudacris crucifer
General description:
Length: 3/4 - 1 1/4 inches (1.9-3.2 cm)
Color: Tan with a dark X on its back.
Sounds: Short, loud, high-pitched peep. Many individuals singing together sound like sleigh bells.
A single female can produce 800-1,000 eggs, which are laid singly or in clusters of two or three. Eggs are attached to vegetation and hatch in two to three days. Transformation occurs within eight weeks. Maturity is reached within one year.
© A.B. Sheldon
Habitat and range
Breeding habitat: Breeds in fishless, temporary wetlands associated with forested habitat.
Summer habitat: Inhabits forested areas, especially areas with brushy undergrowth. May be heard calling in the fall.
Winter habitat: Terrestrial. Body can withstand partial freezing.
Population and management
Spring peepers have no special status in Minnesota.
Range map for Spring peeper