This page is updated regularly between September 1 and May 15. Outside these dates, this page reflects data from the previous season and may not be accurate for the upcoming season. Check stud restrictions.
Quad maps Interactive map
Navigate with your phone! The Avenza Maps app® uses GPS location tracking so that you can stay found, even off the grid. After downloading the app and maps, no internet or cell service is needed.
Search “MNDNR” plus "snowmobile” in the Avenza® app store to download the free maps.
Snowmobile quad maps
GeoPDF maps are available for each quadrant of the state. Select the quadrant of the state to download the GeoPDF map. If riding in an area where the maps overlap, you must download an additional map. You should always bring a paper map and compass when going for a ride - the battery will never die on a paper map!Download DNR quad maps
Order a map How to use a GeoPDFor