Click on the images help you identify a green ash.
Height 40' to 60', up to 24" in diameter; round-topped with slender spreading branches.
Dark brown or gray, tinged with red; strongly furrowed or ridged.
Opposite on stem, length 10" to 12", pinnately compound with seven to nine stalked leaflets each 2 3/4" to 5" long, pointed and slightly toothed on margin; bright green or yellowish-green on both sides, turning yellow in autumn.
Fruit (seed)
Flat, winged samara, 1" to 2" long; winged portion extends well down past middle or seed-bearing part; slightly notched at outer end; wing has a somewhat square appearance.
Common throughout the state except in the western prairie region; most abundant in valleys and along streams; moderately shade-tolerant; fairly fast-growing and will withstand severe conditions of both soil and climate.