Click on the images help you identify an Pin cherry.
Small, reaching heights of up to 30' with a diameter of up to 8"; rounded crown.
Reddish brown, breaking into papery layers; marked by irregular, horizontal bands of orange-colored lines (lenticels).
Simple, alternate on stem, length 3" to 4"; oblong, pointed, with finely toothed margins; shiny green when fully grown, turns bright yellow in autumn.
Fruit (seed)
Drupe (cherry) about 1/4" in diameter; thick, light red skin; thin, sour flesh surrounding oblong stone; flesh used in homes for making jellies; fruit borne on long-stocked clusters; ripens in middle or late summer.
Common in woods throughout the state except in the southwestern portion; often abundant in cutover lands, old fields, and along roadsides; shade intolerant, fast growing.
Wood uses
Medium light, medium soft, brownish with yellowish sapwood; has no special commercial value; tree is hardy; provides a home and feeding ground for several songbirds and is especially suited for home beautification.