Click on the images help you identify an Red pine.
Height 60' to 80', sometimes 100', diameter 30" to 40"; straight trunk; branches on mature trees form an open, rounded, picturesque head.
Becomes divided into large reddish brown plates as it matures, which gives tree its characteristic appearance and its common name, red pine.
Needle like, occurs in clusters of two; dark green; 4" to 6"; breaks cleanly when bent.
Fruit (seed)
Cones are about 2" long, light brown fading to gray; thin, slightly concave cone scales are without spines or prickles and are free from resin; cones ripen about the middle of September of their second season, but stay on branchlets until following spring or summer; seeds small, length about 1/8", dark or mottled brown, winged, and widely scattered by the wind.
Found in many parts of northern and northeastern Minnesota; popular for forest planting because of its disease and insect resistance; thrives on sandy loam or dry, rocky ridges; shade intolerant.
Wood uses
Pale red with thin, nearly white sapwood; medium heavy, hard, coarser grained and harder than white pine; used in construction of bridges and buildings and for pilings.