Woodlands of Minnesota Landowner Handbook


What will you do with your woodland? Some landowners choose to "let nature take its course."

They believe that natural processes maintain their woods better than humans could, or that the costs of managing one's woodland are too great.

While this may be true in some situations, many of the natural processes that formed today's woodlands have been impaired by human activity and change in climate.

To help woodland owners better understand when to step in and help their woods or "let nature take its course" we have produced a series of Woodland Handbooks to help you understand the issues facing your woods and how to manage them. These handbooks contain information on the past and present condition of land in each region, insight into some of the biggest challenges local woodland owners face, tips for making and accomplishing goals for your woods, and a workbook to help you envision what your legacy will be.

Find your woodlands

Click your woodland's location on the map to learn more about your land and how you can manage it for many years to come. 

Order your handbook

Reach out to the DNR Information Center at info.dnr@state.mn.us or 651-296-6157.

link to harwood hills webpage link to Chippewa Plains & Pine Moraine-Outwash Plains link to Mille Lacs Uplands and Glacial Lake Superior Plain link to Northern Superior Uplands website link to Rochester Plateau and Blufflands link to St. Louis Morainves Tamarack Lowlands Prairie restoration handbook Anoka Sand Plain, Big Woods, and St. Paul-Baldwin Plains and Moraines handbook Agassiz Lowlands and Littlefork-Vermilion Uplands handbook Oak Savanna handbook

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