CWD test results: July 1, 2023 to present

When checking for test results in the box below, if your individual test results show “No results found for the provided MnDNR Number”, please contact the DNR information center. Provide a phone number, the hunter’s first and last name, MnDNR number, permit area, the date and station visited, and carcass number (if applicable).

Test results typically are available in 10-14 business days but that turn-around time may increase during busy times.


Tribal sampling results

Sampling area Samples Pending Not detected Suspect Positive
Leech Lake Reservation 95 0 95 - -
Red Lake Reservation 157 0 157 - -
White Earth Reservation 107 0 107 - -
Totals 359 0 359 - -
Tribal Nations have been conducting their own CWD surveillance for the past few years. The results here have been shared with the Minnesota DNR for the current tribal deer hunting season from the respective tribal natural resource agencies.

Previous years' sampling results

July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023
Designation Deer Permit Areas Sample acquisition Total samples Positive
Surveillance zone 110, 169, 184, 197 Hunter harvested 1,470 2
Surveillance zone 157, 159, 225 Hunter harvested 1,728 0
Surveillance zone 213, 273 Hunter harvested 369 0
Surveillance zone 262, 265, 256, 257 Hunter harvested 326 0
Control zone 255, 343, 344 Hunter harvested 653 1
Management zone 604 Hunter harvested 1,033 0
Management zone 605 Hunter harvested 909 5
Agency culled 39 2
Management zone 661 Hunter harvested 191 0
Management zone 679 Hunter harvested 979 0
Agency culled 75 0
Management zone 643, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 655 Hunter harvested 3,110 18
Agency culled 513 18
Opportunistic Statewide Voluntary submission 1,797 0
Opportunistic/other Statewide Multiple (1) 446 (2)
Total 13,638 48
1 Samples collected from reported sick, found dead, shooting permit, vehicle-killed deer
2 Deer found dead in DPA 604, and deer reported sick in DPA 343.
July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022
Designation Deer Permit Areas Sample acquisition Total samples Positive
Surveillance zone 110, 169, 184, 197 Hunter harvested 1,840 0
Surveillance zone 157, 159, 225, 235, 236 Hunter harvested 1,383 0
Surveillance zone 233, 292, 293, 338, 341, 342, 701 Hunter harvested 1,369 0
Surveillance zone 213, 273 Hunter harvested 473 0
Control zone 255, 343, 344 Hunter harvested 811 0
Management zone 604 Hunter harvested 1,272 1
Management zone 605 Hunter harvested 1,297 2
Management zone 643, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 655 Hunter harvested 5,524 27
Agency culled 413 18
Unplanned surveillance zone 261, 262 Hunter harvested 235 1
Unplanned surveillance zone 179 Agency culled 54 1
Opportunistic/other Statewide Multiple (1) 871 (2)
Total 15,542 53
1 Samples collected from reported sick, found dead, shooting permit, vehicle-killed deer
2 Deer taken with shooting permit in DPAs 646 (1). Deer found dead in DPAs 179 (1) and 648 (1).
July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021
Designation Deer Permit Areas Sample acquisition Total samples Positive
Surveillance zone 157, 159, 225, 235, 236 Hunter harvested 360 0
Surveillance zone 233, 292, 293, 338, 341, 342, 701 Hunter harvested 248 0
Surveillance zone 213, 273 Hunter harvested 446 0
Control zone 255, 343, 344 Hunter harvested 423 0
Management zone 604 Hunter harvested 951 0
Management zone 605 Hunter harvested 1,080 3
Agency culled 91 1
Management zone 643, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 655 Hunter harvested 3,679 15
Agency culled 451 4
Opportunistic/other Statewide Multiple (1) 619 (2)
Total 8,348 27
1 Samples collected from reported sick, found dead, shooting permit, vehicle-killed deer
2 Deer taken with shooting permit in DPAs 646 (1). Deer found dead in DPAs 179 (1) and 648 (1).
July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020
Designation Deer Permit Areas Sample acquisition Total samples Positive
Surveillance zone 219, 277, 283, 285 Hunter harvested 544 0
Control zone 255, 343, 344 Hunter harvested 1,162 0
Management zone 604 Hunter harvested 3,961 0
Management zone 643, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 655 Hunter harvested 12,018 26
Agency culled 463 7
Opportunistic/other Statewide Multiple (1) 423 (2)
Total 18,571 36
1 Samples collected from reported sick, found dead, shooting permit, vehicle-killed deer
2 Deer was found dead in DPAs 339, 646 and 648
July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019
Designation Deer Permit Areas Sample acquisition Total samples Positive
Surveillance zone 219, 277, 283, 285 Hunter harvested 462 0
Surveillance zone 242, 247 Hunter harvested 886 0
Agency culled 66 0
Surveillance zone 255, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349 Hunter harvested 3,873 4
Agency culled 107 2
Management zone 603 Hunter harvested 1,496 12
Agency culled 424 12
Opportunistic/other Statewide Multiple (1) 729 (2)
Total 8,043 34
1 Samples collected from reported sick, found dead, shooting permit, vehicle-killed deer
2 Deer were found dead in DPAs 603 (3) and 247 (1)
July 1, 2017-June 30, 2018
Designation Deer Permit Areas Sample acquisition Total samples Positive
Surveillance zone 218, 219, 229, 277, 283, 285 Hunter harvested 2,621 0
Surveillance zone 155, 171, 172, 242, 246, 247, 248, 249 Hunter harvested 7,947 0
Surveillance zone 343, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349 Hunter harvested 1,443 0
Management zone 603 Hunter harvested 1,336 6
Opportunistic/other Statewide Multiple (1) 131 0
Total 13,478 6
1 Samples collected from reported sick, found dead, shooting permit, vehicle-killed deer
July 1, 2016-June 30, 2017
Designation Deer Permit Areas Sample acquisition Total samples Positive
Surveillance zone 339, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349 Hunter harvested 2,930 3
Unplanned management zone 603 Hunter harvested 622 3
Shooting permit 200 3
Agency culled 238 2
Opportunistic/other Statewide Multiple (1) 219 (2)
Total 4,209 11
1 Samples collected from reported sick, found dead, shooting permit, vehicle-killed deer
2 Deer was found dead in DPA 603

CWD-Positive wild deer in Minnesota 

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Hunters who collect their own lymph node samples have options for testing:

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