The Minnesota Biological Survey (MBS) is looking for unusual snakes, squirrels, rabbits and more this summer. If you see any of the species listed below, please let us know. Identification guides are provided for each species. In addition, detailed information is available for state-listed species through the Rare Species Guide (RSG). Reports may help us learn more about their distribution and conservation needs in Minnesota.
Submit reports to:
Email report:
Toll free MBS Animal Report Line: 1-888-345-1730
Please include the following information in your report:
- species observed
- name of observer
- date
- location
- brief description of sighting
- photo availability; please include digital photos in emails. Printed images can be mailed to:
Box 25,
500 Lafayette Rd,
St. Paul, MN 55155
* early spring and late fall sightings are of particular interest to locate hibernacula (a sheltered location for overwintering).
- Franklin's Ground Squirrel (161 kb)
- Richardson's Ground Squirrel (161 kb)
- White-tailed Jackrabbit (161 kb)
- American Badger (161 kb)
- Spotted skunk
...thank you!