Rental payments and material sales royalties from school trust leases create revenue that benefits Minnesota's public schools. In summer of 2020, there were 27 active aggregate leases on school trust lands mostly in northern Minnesota. As school trust land manager, the DNR works with lessees to develop mining and reclamation plans and monitors environmental protections and production reporting.

Economic Opportunity
Since 2000, leases for School Trust construction aggregate have generated 7.86 million dollars.
View school trust aggregate leasing revenues »
All sites are subject to site-specific land management, environmental protections, and reclamation requirements. The lessee must carry the specified insurance and minimum annual production quantities typically apply.
If you would like to learn more about DNR construction aggregate leasing opportunities, please contact:
Aggregate Leasing Program
Nic Borchardt
Lands and Minerals Division
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155-4045
Tel: 651-259-5958
Disclaimer: The DNR does not operate a retail business to sell stone products or construction aggregates. However, if you have a question regarding a request to purchase commercial quantities of materials from our lessees, we will provide contact information to you for our lessees. Please send an email inquiry for more information.