About this project

Map of Sample Locations (click for detail)
The DNR conducted a geochemical survey on public lands in the International Falls area, Koochiching County, Minnesota. A total of 110 shallow soil samples were collected in Autumn, 2010 within grids located on or near an accessible fault-bound greenstone terrane that is part of the Archean Superior Province. These samples were shipped to ALS Chemex for independent analysis of major and trace element concentrations. ALS Chemex provided DNR with a laboratory report on January 20, 2011.
Report 385: Geochemical Soil Survey in an Archean Granite-Greenstone Terrane, International Falls Area, Koochiching County, Minnesota (8.5 x 11, 125 pages, 31 MB)
A zip file that includes all of the following files:
- PDF file of ALS Chemex laboratory report (project385_als_chemex_labreport.pdf, 98 kb)
- CSV file with analytical results, provided by ALS Chemex (WN11000670.csv file, 35 kb)
- A DNR-prepared spreadsheet that links results with the UTM coordinates of each sample location in a gis-compatible format (Feb2011_IntlFalls_A1data.xls, 81 kb)
- A GIS shapefile and metadata of each sample location with results (p385_soil.shp)
- Sample location map, depicting the locations of both these new samples, and the sample locations in a 1985 DNR Geochemical Survey Project 242
- Download map displaying gold concentrations in both new 2010 survey and the 1985 survey
For more information:
Project Leader - Don Elsenheimer, Ph.D
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-4045
tel. 651-259-5433
fax 651-296-5939
[email protected]