Mineral potential projects
Data releases and webpages


The DNR is responsible for administering more than twelve million acres of State-owned and State-managed mineral rights. DNR geologists increase their understanding of the estate’s mineral potential through graphical and statistical analysis of scientific data. Their mineral potential evaluations are based on new scientific data from geological and geochemical surveys that supplements information obtained from previous DNR projects and historical exploration records. The DNR then applies this knowledge to issues that arise pertaining to the state’s mineral estate, such as mineral potential reviews for proposed land transactions.


Data release public notifications - Why do this?

The purpose is to make the new "raw analytical" minerals data for DNR mineral projects publicly available promptly, so that the DNR does not hold unpublished data while the project continues, often for a year or more, and the report is written. New government minerals data may provide clues to the location of valuable undiscovered mineral deposits. The objective of this public disclosure is to meet the intent of the legislature to disclose government data that is not protected by law. This provides transparency to the public and fairness to all mineral companies, who have equal access to the data.

The Lands and Minerals Division will notify the public of new data releases through our GovDelivery email service. You can sign up below if interested in these notifications. The mineral potential project data release information is posted for at least one year on our Lands and Minerals News webpage. However after one year the data will continue to be available on the project webpages listed below.

Sign up for updates 

Latest mineral potential project data releases

  • April 5, 2023 - DNR Project 411: Minnesota MCC Drill Core Library Workshop Report
  • October 21, 2021 - DNR Project 408: Use of 3-Band RGB Imagery to Enhance Display of Slope, Curvature and Residual Intensity in Aeromagnetic Data.
  • July 15, 2021 - DNR Project 407: Historical Airborne-Geophysical Surveys on File at DNR.
  • February 28, 2020 - DNR Open-File Project 404: Results of airborne geophysical survey flown as part of the Great Northern High Voltage Transmission Line project.
  • December 10, 2019 - DNR Open-File Project 402: DNR Corescan Project site published featuring results and access to Coreshed application
  • November 20, 2019 - DNR Open-File Project 403: Advance release of exploration documents compiled during application testing

For questions on any of the data releases or projects listed below (unless noted otherwise in a project description), please contact:

Don Elsenheimer
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-4045
tel. 651-259-5433
fax 651-296-5939
[email protected]

Mineral potential projects - data and webpages

Shown below is a data table for published and open-file Mineral Potential Evaluation Section projects since 1976. Most of the projects have digital data to download found in the 'Link' heading farthest on the right. If a project has no digital data available there is an email link to contact us for more information. 

If you would like to search for projects spatially you can download the following GIS shapefile which includes an ArcGIS layer file and metadata. The shapefile attributes include a URL to hyperlink to project webpages to download data where available.

GIS data
Mineral Potential Evaluation Section project boundaries as of January 2017 (zip, 2.1 MB).

Web map
You can also view the GIS data in the Drill Core Library & Mineral Exploration Collections Interactive Web Map. In the web map check on the layer titled 'DNR Mineral Potential Project Footprints'.


Table of mineral potential projects and data releases


Year Title Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Agency Links
2023 Project 411
Drill Core Library Workshop report
All Minerals     DNR Release narrative
2021 Project 408
Use of 3-Band RGB Imagery to Enhance Display of Slope, Curvature and Residual Intensity in Aeromagnetic Data
Remote Sensing Aeromagnetic   DNR

Release narrative
Y-derivative TIFF of MN
Analysis shapefile
Source data points shapefile

2021 Project 407
Historical Airborne-Geophysical Surveys on File at DNR
All Minerals Geophysics Aeromagnetic and Electromagnetic DNR

Release narrative
GIS data

2020 Open-File Exploration Data 003
Data submission accompanying termination of state nonferrous mineral leases by AngloGold Ashanti Minnesota on 12/23/2019. Exploration areas include Aegir, Freyja, Knarr, Magni, and Ran in north-central Minnesota.
Metallic Minerals Exploration Geology   - DNR summary
Drill core photos
Geophysics raw data 
Geophysics, geochemistry, geology, and borings
2020 Open-File Exploration Data 002
Data submission accompanying sampling of public drill core by AngloGold Ashanti Minnesota in 2016 and 2017.
Metallic Minerals Examination & Assay Thin Sections - DNR summary
Sampling data
2020 Open-File Exploration Data 001
Data submission accompanying termination of state nonferrous mineral leases by AngloGold Ashanti Minnesota on 12/31/2018, Celina exploration area (southeast Koochiching County).
Metallic Minerals Exploration Geology   - DNR summary
Drill core photos
Geophysics raw data
Geophysics, geochemistry, geology, and borings
2020 Open-File Project 404
Baseline geophysical data collection over state lands along the Great Northern High Voltage Transmission Line.
All Minerals Geophysics Electromagnetic DNR Project summary
Geophysical data
approx. 1.5gb

Open-File Project 403
Project to develop a consolidated archive and distribution application for DNR curated minerals data.

All Minerals Mineral Exploration Documents Compilation DNR

Project summary
Advance data
approx. 14.3gb

2019 Open-File Project 402
DNR Corescan Project evaluating hyperspectral core imaging for mineral identification
All Minerals Evaluation Resource Development DNR Reports, maps, and data
2017 Open-File Project 401
Aeromagnetic Data Reprocessing Test
Metallic Minerals Geophysics Aeromagnetic DNR Contractor report and data
2017 Open-File Project 400
Establishing the Potential for Lithium Mineralization on State-Managed Mineral Rights.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Lithium DNR

Project summary
Research data

2017 Open-File Project 392
Regional Survey of Gold in Till, Cook Area, St. Louis County, Minnesota.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Gold in Till DNR Map and Data
2016 Open-File Project 399
Lehmann Family Fund Collection - Donation of Mineral Exploration Documents (Polaris Joint Venture Included)
Metallic Minerals Mineral Exploration Documents Compilation DNR Data, Maps, Documents, Web Map
2014 Report 381
Aggregate Resources of Aitkin County, MN: Sand and Gravel Resource Potential and Crushed Stone Resource Potential; 2 plates. 
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate DNR Maps, Data, & Reports
2013 Open-File Project 391
Cook Area Drill Core Re-Logging and Sampling, St. Louis County
Metallic Minerals Geologic Drilling Examination & Assay DNR Map and Data
2013 Open-File Project 394
Test of SGH Soil Survey Method
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry SGH Methods DNR Map, Data, and Report
2013 Open-File Project 389
Heavy Mineral Concentrate Assays, St. Louis and Lake Counties
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry HMC in Till DNR Map and Data
2012 Report 362
Aggregate Resources of Stearns County, MN: Sand and Gravel Resource Potential and Crushed Stone Resource Potential; 2 plates. 
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate DNR Maps, Data, & Reports
2012 Report 384
Aggregate Resources of Kanabec County, MN: Sand and Gravel Resource Potential; 1 plate. 
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate DNR Maps, Data, & Reports
2011 Open-File Project 387
Drill Core Library Bedrock Chemistry Database Pilot Project, Koochiching County
Metallic Minerals Geologic Drilling Examination & Assay DNR Table
2011 Report 385
Geochemical Survey on Public Lands in the International Falls Area, Koochiching County, Minnesota.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Gold in Till DNR Maps, Data, & Reports
2011 Report 380
Aggregate Resources and Silt and Clay Potential in Northern St. Louis and Lake Counties, Minnesota; 1 plate.
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate DNR Maps, Data, & Reports
2010 Open-File Project 379 
Regional Survey of Gold in Till, Archean Greenstone Belt, Northeastern Itasca County.  
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Gold in Till DNR Map, Data, and Presentation
2010 Report 378
Koochiching County International Falls Greenstone Drill Core Assays.
Metallic Minerals Geologic Drilling Examination & Assay DNR Report,Map, Data, & Presentation
2009 Report 376
Minnesota Lake Sediment Geochemistry Surveys; Report 73 pages; Appendix A 4 pages; GIS Datasets-MN DNR Collection & U.S. Steel Collection.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Lake Sediment Compilation DNR Report & Data
2009 Report 375
Aggregate Resources of Olmsted County, Minnesota; Sand and Gravel Potential & Crushed Stone Potential; 2 plates.
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate DNR Maps & Data
2009 Report 374
Aggregate Resources of Carlton County, Minnesota and Fond du Lac Reservation, Minnesota; Sand and Gravel Potential & Crushed Stone Potential; 1 plate.
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate DNR Maps & Data
2009 Open-File Project 372
Gold in Till Survey, Vermilion District, St. Louis County, MN
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Gold in Till DNR Data & Presentation
2009 Open-File Project 371
Reconnaissance Glacial Till Sampling & Gold Grain Counts, Virginia Horn
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Gold in Till DNR Data (.zip)
2008 Open-File Project 370
Reconnaissance Glacial Till Sampling & Gold Grain Counts, Nashwauk, Minnesota
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Gold in Till DNR Data (.zip)
2008 Open-File Project 373
St. Louis County Vermilion Greenstone Drill Core Assays
Metallic Minerals Geologic Drilling Examination & Assay DNR Data & Presentation
2008 Report 366
Aggregate Resources of Mille Lacs County, Minnesota; Sand and Gravel Potential & Crushed Stone Potential; 2 plates.
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate DNR Maps & Data
2007 Report 371 and Open-File Project 368-2
Gold Mineralization in the Virginia Horn Greenstone Terrain, St. Louis County, Minnesota
Metallic Minerals Geologic Drilling and Gold in Till Survey Examination & Assay DNR Report and Data
2006 Open-File Project 368-1
Re-analyzing Existing Drill Samples of the Rice River Area in Aitkin County
Metallic Minerals Geologic Drilling Examination & Assay DNR Data (.zip)
2005 Report 365
Glacial Till Sampling in the Vermilion Greenstone Belt, Northeastern Minnesota; 85 pages; GIS data, tables, figures, and appendices.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Gold in Till DNR Report and Data
2006 Report 364
Aggregate Resources and Surficial Geology of Meeker County, Minnesota; Sand and Gravel Potential & Geomorphology; 2 plates.
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate & Geomorphology DNR Maps & Data
2003 Report 363
Aggregate Resources and Surficial Geology of Renville County, Minnesota; 2 plates.
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate & Surficial Geology DNR Maps & Data
2003 Report 360
Aggregate Resources and Surficial Geology, LeSueur County, Minnesota; 2 plates.
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate & Surficial Geology DNR Maps & Data
2003 Report 358
Inventory of Publicly Owned Stockpiles and Natural Aggregate Resources at the Former LTV Mine and Vicinity; report 20 pages; two plates; GIS datasets; photos; database; and spreadsheets.
Industrial Minerals Geologic Inventory Aggregate & Stockpiles DNR Report, Maps, and Data
2002 Report 357
Aggregate Resources and Surficial Geology of Dodge County, Minnesota; 4 plates.
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate & Surficial Geology DNR Maps & Data
2002 Report 356
Aggregate Resources and Surficial Geology of Benton County, Minnesota; 4 plates.
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate & Surficial Geology DNR Maps & Data
2002 Report 353
Description of the Metamorphosed Virginia Formation at the Peter Mitchell Mine, Babbitt, Minnesota
Metallic Minerals Geologic Drilling Evaluation DNR Report (.pdf, 4 mb) and Figures (.pdf, 1 mb). Excel Data (.zip, 1 MB)
2001 Report 352 
Aggregate Resources of Sherburne County, Minnesota. Digital data based on maps completed in July of 1987 and digitized in 2000. 2 plates.
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate DNR Maps & Data
2001 Report 350
Stockpile Ownership, Composition, and Use for Two Study Areas Located near Virginia and Calumet, Minnesota; 79 pages; 4 plates; 1 map; chemical assay data.
Industrial Minerals Geologic Inventory Stockpiles DNR Report, Maps, and Data
2003 Report 347
Analysis of Drilling and Sampling Techniques Used to Obtain Representative and Accurate Samples in Coarse Sand and Gravel Deposits; 39 pages.
Industrial Minerals Geologic Drilling - Aggregate Aggregate Methodologies DNR Report
2001 Report 345/MGS M-116
 Aggregate Resources and Surficial Geology, Chisago County, Minnesota; 2 plates.
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate & Surficial Geology MGS and DNR Maps & Data
2000 Report 343
Aggregate Resources and Surficial Geology of Nicollet County, Minnesota; 4 plates.
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate & Surficial Geology DNR Maps & Data
2002 Report 340
Compilation of Mineral Resources Digital Information for the Minnesota River Valley Corridor; 12 pages; 4 plates; GIS data.
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Mineral Compilation DNR, NRRI, & MGS Report, Maps, & Data
1999 Report 335
Aggregate Resources and Surficial Geology, Blue Earth County, Minnesota; 4 plates.
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate & Surficial Geology DNR Maps & Data
2004 Report 334-20 
Aggregate Resource Evaluation of a Portion of the Talcot Wildlife Management Area, Cottonwood County, Minnesota 
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate Site Specific DNR Site-Specific Aggregate Webpage
2001 Report 334-14
Aggregate Resource Evaluation of the Olson and Cranberry Pits in the Mille Lacs Wildlife Management Area near Onamia, MN (Section 7, T41N, R25W and Section 34, T41N, R26W)
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate Site Specific DNR Site-Specific Aggregate Webpage
2001 Report 334-13 
Aggregate Resource Evaluation of a School Trust Parcel Southeast of Big Fork In Itasca County, Minnesota 
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate Site Specific DNR Site-Specific Aggregate Webpage
2001 Report 334-12
Aggregate Resource Evaluation of the Proposed Tansem SNA, Clay County, Minnesota (Sections 11 & 14 of T.137 N, R.44 W)
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate Site Specific DNR Site-Specific Aggregate Webpage
2000 Report 334-11
Aggregate Resource Evaluation for a portion of Felton Prairie in Clay County, Minnesota; 82 pages; 2 plates.
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate Site Specific DNR Site-Specific Aggregate Webpage
2000 Report 334-09
Site-Specific Aggregate Resource Evaluation, Warroad Area.
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate Site Specific DNR Site-Specific Aggregate Webpage
2000 Report 334-08
Site-specific Aggregate Resource Evaluation of Rako, Birchdale, and Birchdale East Pits near Baudette, MN
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate Site Specific DNR Site-Specific Aggregate Webpage
2000 Report 334-07
Site-Specific Aggregate Resource Evaluation of Site near Blue Mounds State Park
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate Site Specific DNR Site-Specific Aggregate Webpage
2000 Report 334-06
Site-specific Aggregate Resource Evaluation, Big Falls, Minnesota
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate Site Specific DNR Site-Specific Aggregate Webpage
1998 Report 334-02
Aggregate Resource Evaluation for a Potential SNA Site in Jackson County, Minnesota
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate Site Specific DNR Site-Specific Aggregate Webpage
1999 Report 334-01
Aggregate Resource Evaluation: Sand and Gravel Evaluation for a Site Near Bayport, Washington County, MN
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate Site Specific DNR Site-Specific Aggregate Webpage
2005 Report 333-1/MGS M-131
 Aggregate Resources and Surficial Geology, Itasca County, Minnesota; 2 plates.
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate & Surficial Geology MGS and DNR Maps & Data
1999 Report 330
Results of a Mobile Metal Ion Geochemical Study near Birchdale, North West Koochiching County, Northern Minnesota
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Mobile Metal DNR Report (.pdf, 2 MB) Data (.zip, 46 MB)
1999 Report 326
Bedrock and Glacial Drift Mapping for Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide and Lode Gold Alteration in the Vermilion-Big Fork Greenstone Belt: Parts A and B.
Metallic Minerals Mineral Evaluation  Greenstone DNR Report and Data
1997 Report 318
Mineral Potential Study Greenstone Belt Boulder Tracing Twp. 60-65N R11-27W Ely Bigfork Area; 60 pages.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Glacial Drift - Gravel Pits DNR Report and Data
1997 Report 317
Ore Deposit Modelling of the Footwall Mineralization of the Duluth Complex.
Metallic Minerals Geologic Modeling Cu-Ni-PGEs
Ore Deposit
DNR Report and Data
1995 Report 314
A Limited Survey of Selected Kimberlite Indicator Minerals from Glaciofluvial Sediments Across Minnesota; 34 pages.
Metallic Minerals Mineral Evaluation Kimberlite Indicators DNR Report and Data
1993 Report 313
Compendium of Mineral Information, East-Central Minnesota. 33 pages.
 Minerals Mineral Evaluation East-Central Minnesota DNR Report
1994 Report 308
Platinum, Palladium and Gold Distribution in B-Horizon Soils in the Northwestern Part of the Duluth Complex, Minnesota; A cooperative project with the United States Geological Survey; 15 pages.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Soil DNR Report and Data
1997 Report 306
Aggregate Resources, Eastern Clay County, Minnesota; 4 plates.
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate & Surficial Geology DNR Maps & Data
1992 Report 304
Aggregate Resources and Quaternary Geology, Isanti County, Minnesota; 2 plates.
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate & Surficial Geology DNR Maps & Data
1995 Report 298-2
Dimension Stone Inventory of Northern Minnesota
Industrial Minerals Geologic Inventory Dimension Stone DNR Report & Data
1993 Report 298
Dimension Stone Inventory of Northern Minnesota 1993; 35 pages, 1 insert.
Industrial Minerals Geologic Inventory Dimension Stone DNR Report & Data
1994 Report 296
Soil Geochemistry Survey (B-Horizon) in Linden Grove Area
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Soil DNR Report and Data
1997 Report 295-2
Compilation of Metallic Mineral Potential Databases for Analysis Using Geographic Information Systems
Metallic Minerals Geologic Database Mineral Compilation DNR Reports and Data
1993 Report 295
 Reconnaissance Mineral Potential Evaluation, Central Minnesota, Open File Report; 2 volumes.
Metallic Minerals Mineral Evaluation Various DNR Reports
1991 Report 294
Aggregate Resources and Quaternary geology of Wright County, Minnesota; 18 pages, 2 plates.
Industrial Minerals Geologic Mapping Aggregate & Surficial Geology DNR Maps, Data, & Report
1991 Report 290
Aeromagnetic Interpretation Pseudo-Geologic Maps, with Evaluation, in Lake of the Woods and Lake Counties, Minnesota; Baudette area: T157N-160N R33W, McDougal Lakes area: T59N-61N R9W-11W; references; 132 pages, 4 plates.
Metallic Minerals Geophysics Aeromagnetic DNR Report, Maps, and Data
1991 Report 289
Dimension Stone Inventory of Northern Minnesota; identifies areas of Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Itasca, Koochiching & Lake of the Woods counties favorable for dimension stone development; 34 pages.
Industrial Minerals Geologic Inventory Dimension Stone DNR Report & Data
1991 Report 288
Private Data Acquisition; synopsis of effort to gather historical exploration data from non-government sources; 364 pages.
Metallic Minerals Geologic Compilation Private Exploration Data DNR Report and Data
1997 Report 284-1
An Interpretation of the Results of a Study of Heavy Minerals in Minnesota Northeastern Provenance Glaciofluvial Sediments; 100 pages.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Glacial Drift DNR Report and Data
1992 Report 284
Chemical and Mineralogical Analyses and Geological Characteristics of Heavy Minerals from Glaciofluvial Sediments in Minnesota: Test and Pilot Study Data; Open-File Report 284; 100 pages.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Glacial Drift DNR Report and Data
1991 Report 282
Industrial Minerals: Inventory of Industrial Mineral Pits and Quarries in Minnesota; 415 pages (two volumes). (v. 1 - 5.00)
Industrial Minerals Geologic Inventory Industrial Mineral Pits & Quarries DNR Report
1989 Report 281-1-2
Aeromagnetic Data Interpretation Baudette Area, Minnesota for the MN DNR. By Allan Spector and Associates Limited, Toronto, Ontario, June, 1989.
Metallic Minerals Geophysics Aeromagnetic DNR Report (.pdf, 2 MB)
1989 Report 281-1-1
Aeromagnetic Data Interpretation for the McDougal Lakes Area, Duluth Complex, Lake County, MN, June 1989. For MN DNR. Robert J Ferderer
Metallic Minerals Geophysics Aeromagnetic DNR Report (.pdf, 2 MB)
1991 Report 280
Regional Survey of Buried Glacial Drift, Saprolite and Precambrian Bedrock in Lake of the Woods County, Minnesota; T157N-158N R32W-35W, T159N-160N R31W-36W; references; 202 pages, 2 plates. (Digital data set available.)
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Glacial Drift DNR Report, Maps, & Data
1991 Report 278
Archean Drill Core Description and Assay in Lake of the Woods County, Minnesota; discussion and analysis of 45 drill cores from T157N R33W & 34W, T158N R33W & 34W, T159N R33W & 36W, T160N R31W & 36W; references; 180 pages.
Metallic Minerals Geologic Drilling Examination & Assay DNR Report and Data
1989 Report 267
Minnesota Minerals Database Project: Report on Preliminary Systems Analysis; feasibility study towards creating an inter-agency, unified minerals database; 85 pages.
Metallic Minerals Minerals Database Feasibility DNR Report
1989 Report 264
1988-1989 Geodrilling Report; Hubbard, Becker, Koochiching, Beltrami & St. Louis counties; T58N R14W, T67N R24W, T141N R36W, T142N R35W & R37W, T153N R27W, T155N R26W & 27W, T156N R36W; references; 115 pages.
Metallic Minerals Geologic Drilling Examination & Assay DNR Report & Data
1989 Report 263
A Regional Geochemical Survey of Glacial Drift Drill Samples Over Archean Terrane in the Effie Area, Northern Minnesota; T149N-151N R25W-27W, T61N-65N R25W-27W, Itasca & Koochiching counties; 382 pages (two volumes), 2 plates.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Glacial Drift DNR Report, Maps, & Data
1989 Report 262
1989 Glacial Drift Geochemistry for Strategic Minerals; T59N-61N R7W-11W; references, element contour maps; 275 pages (two volumes), 3 plates. Tabular data converted to GIS data in 2010
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Glacial Drift DNR Report, Maps, & Data
1989 Report 255-1/265/266
1988-1989 Drill Core Repository Sampling Project: 255-1 Duluth Complex, 265 Soudan Mine, 266 Archean Greenstone); analysis of drill core from Duluth complex,Soudan mine, & greenstone terranes; references; 343 pages, 2 plates.
Metallic Minerals Geologic Drilling Examination & Assay DNR Report, Maps, and Data
1987 Report 255
Drill Core Evaluation for Platinum Group Mineral Potential of the Basal Zone of the Duluth Complex, Minnesota; evaluation of selected drill cores from Duluth complex for PGE, T57N-62N R11W-14W; references; 138 pages, 3 plates.
Metallic Minerals Geologic Drilling Examination & Assay DNR Report and Maps
1988 Report 252
Regional Survey of Buried Glacial Drift Geochemistry Over Archean Terrane in Northern Minnesota; 9 Twps in Koochiching & St. Louis counties; 386 pages (two volumes), 2 auxiliary plates. Digital data and sample list available.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Glacial Drift DNR Report, Maps, and Data
1987 Report 251
1986-1987 Geodrilling Report; DNR Drill Core from T46N R25W, T46N R28W, T52N R15W, T59N R12W, T56N R14W, T57N R12W; references; 179 pages.
Metallic Minerals Geologic Drilling Examination & Assay DNR Report and Data
1986 Report 246
Esker Prospecting Over the Duluth Complex in Northeastern Minnesota; stream sediment exploration techniques for Pt-Pd, Au-Ag, Ti, Cr, Cu & Ni; references; 26 pages, 1 plate.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Glacial Drift & Stream DNR Report, Maps, and Data
1985 Report 242
1984-1985 Geodrilling Report; DNR Drill Core from T70N-71N R23W, T52N R15W, T55N R13W, T56N R18W, T57N R13W, T57N R11W, T59N R9W, T60N R10W-11W; references; 75 pages, 17 plates (microfiche).
Metallic Minerals Geologic Drilling Examination & Assay DNR Report, Maps, and Data
1986 Report 241-4
Lithogeochemistry of Keweenawan Igneous Rocks: A final Report to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Keenawan Igneous Rocks DNR Report
1986 Report 241-2
Relationship of Structural Geology of the Duluth Complex to Economic Mineralization; 165 pages, 7 plates.
Metallic Minerals  Mineral Evaluation Duluth Complex DNR Report, Maps, and Data
1985 Report 241-1
Saline Waters as Indicators of Economic Mineralization; report on 21 wells in Cook, Lake & St. Louis counties, portions near Lake Superior; 38 pages.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Water Well DNR Report
1985 Report 236-2
Reconnaissance Scale Well Water Geochemical Survey of Central Minnesota; portions of Pine, Carlton, Aitkin, & Crow Wing counties; references, element maps; 36 pages, 12 plates (microfiche).
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Water Well DNR Report and Maps
1985 Report 236
Lake Sediment Geochemical Survey of East-Central Minnesota; reconnaissance scale organic-rich lake sediment geochemical survey in Cass, Crow Wing, Aitkin & Carlton counties; references, element maps; 32 pages, 12 plates (microfiche).
Metallic Minerals  Geochemistry Lake Sediment DNR Report, Maps, and Data
1985 Report 231
A Compilation of Ore Mineral Occurrences, Drill Core, and Testpits in the State of Minnesota; literature search on publicly reported mineral occurrences; 360 pages, 4 plates.
Metallic Minerals Mineral Evaluation Mineral Occurrences DNR Reports, Maps, and Data
1981 Report 201
Geological, Geophysical, and Geochemical Surveys of Lake, St. Louis and Cook Counties, Minnesota: for the 1980 Drilling Project; various locations in T50N-63N R3E-14W; 13 pages, 12 plates (microfiche).
Metallic Minerals Mineral Evaluation Various DNR Reports and Maps
1982 Report 171
Lake Sediment Exploration Geochemical Survey of Portions of Lake and St. Louis Counties, Minnesota; references; 31 pages, 11 plates (microfiche).
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Lake Sediment DNR Reports, Maps, and Data
1978 Map Set 153
Mineral Compilation of Eastern Marshall County, Minnesota; 2 maps.
Metallic Minerals Geologic Mapping Mineral Compilation DNR Maps (.pdf, 2 MB)
1979 Map Set 152
Organic-Rich Lake Sediment Exploration Geochemical Pilot Survey of Southern Crow Wing and Morrison Counties, Central Minnesota; 1 map.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Lake Sediment DNR Download map (.pdf, 1 MB).  Also See Report 376 GIS compilation
1979 Map Set 151
Chemical Analysis of Samples from McComber Mine, St. Louis County, Minnesota; 1 map.
Metallic Minerals Geologic Mapping Chemical Analysis DNR Download map (.pdf, 1 MB)
1977 Map Set 149
Geophysical and Geochemical Surveys of Indus School Site, Northwestern Koochiching County, Minnesota; 1 map, 15 data sheets.
Metallic Minerals Geologic Mapping Various-Geophysical & Geochemistry DNR Not Yet Digital
1977 Map Set 148
Pilot Survey of Uranium in Organic-Rich Lake Sediment, Ely Region, Northeastern Minnesota; 2 maps, 1 data sheet.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Lake Sediment DNR Maps (.pdf, 1 MB). Also see Report 376 GIS compilation
1978 Map Set 146
Geophysical Surveys of an Area Southwest of Indus, Koochiching County, Minnesota; 7 map sheets.
Metallic Minerals Geologic Mapping Geophysics DNR Maps (.pdf, 3 MB)
1978 Map Set 143
Mineral Compilation of Eastern Roseau County, Minnesota; 2 maps.
Metallic Minerals Geologic Mapping Mineral Compilation DNR Maps (.pdf, 2 MB)
1982 Report 138-2
Lake Sediment Geochemical Survey of Cook County, Minnesota; references; 39 pages, 11 plates on microfiche.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Lake Sediment DNR Report and Data
1977 Map Set 138
Organic-Rich Lake Sediment Exploration Geochemical Pilot Survey, Cook County, Minnesota; 2 maps, 1 data sheet.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Lake Sediment DNR Maps (.pdf, 2 MB). See also Report 376 GIS compilation
1977 Map Set 134
Burntside Lake Area - Gyttja Lake Sediment Geochemical Survey; 3 maps.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Lake Sediment DNR Maps not available online yet. See Report 376 GIS compilation
1977 Report 132-1
Mineral Evaluation of the Lake Superior Region of Northeastern Minnesota - A Progress Report on Field Surveys; 6 pages.
Metallic Minerals Mineral Evaluation Field Surveys DNR Report and Data
1977 Map Set 117-1
Organic-Rich Lake Sediment Exploration Geochemical Pilot Survey, Aitkin County, Minnesota; 2 maps, 1 data sheet.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Lake Sediment DNR Maps (.pdf, 1 MB). See also Report 376 GIS compilation
1977 Report 109
Pilot Study on Stream Sediment Exploration Geochemistry, Filson Creek, Lake County, Minnesota; T62N R10W-11W; 32 pages.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Stream Sediment DNR Report
1978 Report 108-3
Pilot Study on A-Horizon Soil Exploration Geochemistry, Birch Lake Area, Lake County, Minnesota; T61N-62N R11W; 9 pages.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Soil DNR Report
1977 Report 108-2
Pilot Study on Soil Exploration Geochemistry, Birch Lake Area, Lake County, Minnesota; T61N-62N R11W; 19 pages.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Soil DNR Report
1977 Report 108-1
Pilot Study on Peat Exploration Geochemistry, Birch Lake Area, Lake County, Minnesota; T61N R11W; references; 10 pages.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Peat DNR Report
1977 Report 107
Geophysical and Geochemical Survey, Skeleton Lake Area, St. Louis County, Minnesota; discussion of EM & magnetics, organic lake & stream sediments in T61N R14W; 6 pages (includes 6 map sheets).
Metallic Minerals Various - Geochemistry and Geophysics Various - Lake Sediments, EM, & Magnetics DNR Report, Maps, and Data
1976 Report 104
Preliminary Report on Nineteen Digestion Methods Tested on Various Geochemical Sample Medias; 17 pages.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Methodologies DNR Report
1977 Report 093
Mineral Resources of a Portion of the Duluth Complex and Adjacent Rocks in St. Louis and Lake Counties, Northeastern Minnesota; Cu-Ni resource estimate for 42 sq. miles in T57N-62N R10W-14W; references; 49 pages.
Metallic Minerals Mineral Evaluation Cu-Ni DNR Report
1976 Map Set 087
Mineral Compilation of Southwestern Koochiching County, Minnesota; 2 maps.
Metallic Minerals Geologic Mapping Mineral Compilation DNR Maps (.pdf, 2 MB)
1976 Map Set 086
Mineral Compilation of Southern Beltrami County, Minnesota; 3 maps.
Metallic Minerals Geologic Mapping Mineral Compilation DNR Maps (.pdf, 3 MB)
1977 Map Set 073-3
Gyttja Lake Sediment Exploration Geochemical Survey of Lake Vermilion-Burntside Lake-Ely Area, St. Louis and Lake Counties, Minnesota; 11 maps.
Metallic Minerals Geologic Mapping Geochemistry-
Lake Sediment
DNR See Report 376 GIS compilation
1980 Report 073-3-1
Gyttja Lake Sediment Exploration Geochemical Survey of E. L. Vermilion-Ely Area, St. Louis Co. and Lake Co., MN; organic-rich lake sediment survey in T61N-63N R11W-16W; element maps & references; 22 pages.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Lake Sediments DNR Report and Data
1977 Map Set 071-3
Organic-Rich Lake Sediment Exploration Geochemical Pilot Survey, Itasca County, Minnesota; 1 map, 1 data sheet.
Metallic Minerals Geologic Mapping Geochemistry-
Lake Sediment

Download map (.pdf, 1 MB).

See also Report 376 GIS compilation

1977 Map Set 041
Geologic and Geophysical Surveys in the Manitou Rapids Area, Koochiching County, MN; 4 maps, 23 sheets of geophysical data.
Metallic Minerals Geologic Mapping Geophysical - Various Types DNR

Datasheets (.pdf, 15 MB)

1976 Report 036-8
Geophysical Surveys Conducted in Northwestern Koochiching County, Minnesota; brief discussion of EM, resistivity, IP and magnetic results in T159N R25W-27W; 10 pages.
Metallic Minerals Geophysics Geophysical - Various Types DNR Report
1976 Report 036-7
Exploration Geochemistry of Quaternary Deposits in Northwestern Koochiching County, Minnesota; discussion of till & soil sampling in T158N-160N, R25W-30W; references; 69 pages.
Metallic Minerals Geochemistry Glacial Drift DNR Report
1976 Report 026
Sulfides in the Birchdale-Indus Area, Koochiching County, Minnesota; a discussion of the geophysics, geology and sulfide mineralization in T158N-160N, R26W-28W; references; 21 pages.
Metallic Minerals Mineral Evaluation Various DNR Report



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