1. About this project

Project Area Boundary and 5 Drill Core Locations Re-logged (click for detail)
This new work consists of laboratory analysis of 65 drill core samples (including standards) by Activation Laboratories Ltd. of Ancaster, Ontario. The samples were selected from 5 drill cores that had been drilled during the 1960’s through the 1980's, primarily by exploration companies searching for base metals and gold. Drill core and related exploration data are currently available at the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Drill Core Library in Hibbing, Minnesota.
Sampling was guided by re-logging of the core and also by the use of a hand-held X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) analyzer instrument. Files contain these new sample assays including standards and duplicates, XRF data, standards information, rare-earth element plots, and core locations. The chemistry from the XRF analyses is semi-quantitative by nature, and should NEVER be mixed with laboratory analyses and assays.
Project Leader: Barry Frey
1525 Third Avenue East
Hibbing, Minnesota 55746
tel. (218) 231-8450
[email protected]
2. Data Released July 16, 2013
The following data files have been released.
- Chemistry file from lab as PDF
- Chemistry file from lab as excel spreadsheet
- Sampling information
- Blind standard information
- Chemistry file from lab with added sample information and statistics
- XRF analyses used to guide core sampling
- Rare earth element plots for each sample
- GIS Data for the 5 drill hole locations
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