DNR Reports: Dimension Stone Inventories & Data (1991-2015)


Dimension stone inventory project location map - small scale

Locator Map

Report 289: Dimension Stone Inventory of Northern Minnesota 1991
Report 298: Dimension Stone Inventory of Northern Minnesota 1993
Report 298-2: Dimension Stone Inventory of Northern Minnesota 1995

Dimension Stone Inventory Contact:
Cheyanne Dusek
Lands and Minerals Division
Hibbing Office
tel. 218-231-8441
[email protected]


November 2015

November 2, 2015 - OPEN-FILE: Whole Rock Analysis from Selected Dimension Stone Inventory Sites Located on School Trust Lands in Lake and Cook Counties.

The MNDNR is today releasing third-party geochemical analytical results of eight samples collected by the DNR from four dimension stone inventory sites located on School Trust lands in Lake and Cook Counties.

The purpose of the dimension stone inventory is to identify areas of crystalline bedrock in northern Minnesota that exhibit potential for dimension stone quarry development. Dimension stone quarries from northern Minnesota have supplied major architectural, landscape and memorial projects throughout the U.S. Some of notable projects include stonework at the World Trade Center in New York, the National D-Day Memorial in Bedford VA, and the Victory Memorial Drive in Minneapolis, MN.

The geochemical analysis is for the following whole-rock major element oxides: SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3,MnO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, TiO2, P2O5, LOI; trace elements: Ba, Sr, Y, Sc, Zr, Be, V, and Total Carbon and Total Sulfur.

The data release includes a September, 2015 analytical report from Activation Laboratories, Ltd. (ActLabs) and associated spreadsheet file, and a sample location map.

The following digital files are available for download:

Table: List of the Four Dimension Stone Inventory Sites Located on School Trust Lands

Sample ID Rock Type Location
C-057a through C-057e Anorthosite T59N, R4W Sec 4 N1/2 SWSW
L-205a Olivine, pyroxene-bearing anorthosite T61N, R11W Sec 28 N1/2 SWNE
L-159 Porphyritic gabbroic anorthosite T60N, R7W Sec 36 S1/2 SESW
L-231 Olivine-bearing gabbroic anorthosite T61N, R11W Sec 16 N1/2 NWNE



October 2012

October 3, 2012 - OPEN-FILE: Dimension stone inventory of northern Minnesota

Two new dimension stone prospect sites have been located in Lake County.

Dimension stone prospect Site L-210 is a black anorthositic gabbro located in T61-R11-36-SWSE.

Site L-231 is a dark gray troctolitic anorthosite located inT61-11-16 NW1/4 NE1/4, NE1/4 NW1/4, SE1/4 NW1/4, SW1/4NE1/4. Both sites exhibit good quarry block potential.

Further mineral rights and land issues will need to be addressed prior to a State offering these sites for industrial mineral leases.


The following projects were funded in part by the Minerals Coordinating Committee through the Mineral Diversification Program.

View or download reports

Report 289: Dimension Stone Inventory of Northern Minnesota 1991.
(43 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches, 1.99 MB)
Author: M.W. Oberhelman

Report 298: Dimension Stone Inventory of Northern Minnesota 1993.
(35 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches, 2.59 MB)
Author: M.W. Oberhelman

Report 298-2: Dimension Stone Inventory of Northern Minnesota 1995.
(35 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches, 1.58 MB)
Author: M.W. Oberhelman

Please note: Best results in viewing these reports will be obtained by saving the files to a location of your choice and opening with Adobe Reader or Acrobat. Some report information may not display as a result of opening with Acrobat directly from a web browser.

These reports have been scanned in and applied with optical character recognition (OCR) which electronically translates the scanned image printed text into machine-encoded text. This allows users to then search a document by keywords in Adobe Reader or Acrobat software.

Example of dimension stone sites on map - larger scale

Graphic of prospective sites for dimension stone inventoried in parts of Township 60N, Range 11, Lake County, MN. The sites are labeled by their site number. Shown is only a small subset of the 664 sites inventoried.


Download data

The most current DNR Dimension Stone Inventory GIS dataset is available on the Minnesota Geospatial Commons:
DNR Dimension Stone Inventory (January 2018)


For more information

Cheyanne Dusek
1525 3rd Ave E
Hibbing, Minnesota 55746
tel. (218) 231-8441
[email protected]

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